So I roughly have installed a 5442 6mm birdhouse camera on lamp post 50' from my front door....with tire slashing incursion discussion

You filed them online? I figured you were calling the police department after each event and filed the report with the responding officer.

In any event, I'm glad you finally got the ball rolling.
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You filed them online? I figured you were calling the police department after each event and filed the report with the responding officer.

In any event, I'm glad you finally got the ball rolling.
due to Covid... lobby is closed so can not walk in. At the times I filed the report, it was before or after Dispatch hours of operation so had to do online.
Have you looked at the times and days this has happened to see if they're similar? There maybe some pattern to time / days. If so, you could perhaps see if the police would lie in wait in your house at the time she strikes.

If not, another option would be if as you suggested you can get a camera that captures her car, using a push notification so you can telephone the police as she's parking up so they get here just in time to catch her in the act. I don't imagine being caught knife in hand will help her either as she's armed. Not sure of the status of that as an offence in your state, maybe carrying is legal.

A further option would be to hire or borrow another car, and park it with a dashcam running in parking mode directly in front of where she parks hers if she always parks in the same place, so she parks up in front of it. That should capture you the car, plate and if you're lucky her face, before she puts her hood up. Even if hood up, simply having video of her getting out of the same car with the same clothes and walking off towards yours with her then showing up on your video in the same clothes moments later slashing your tyres will leave her with explaining to do.

Failing that, a more confrontational option, you could lie in wait with the front door unlocked and if you get a push notification, look at the phone app and wait until she's knelt at the tyres then burst out and hold her at gun point (assuming that's legal in your state), whilst your wife / partner / you call the police. Best case, she complies and gets arrested. Medium case she runs off and is so scared never comes back :thumb: or at least for a while giving you time to take other actions to catch her. Worst case she rushes you knife in hand..... You might need to be prepared to defend yourself here and that might be harder knowing her. I leave you to be the judge as the advisability of these actions. Check your local laws with your attorney for opinion on every scenario to avoid getting imprisoned later. You're tyres will be a real mess if you're away for a while! On the other hand, they'll be a whole lot better if she is.
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Unfortunately, brandishing a weapon in Nevada for a property crime is not a good idea. She has already shown her intent is not bodily harm so escalating wouldn’t be on @Holbs side.
was told by a unnamed Reno, Nevada police officer that since I have cameras outfront, I should be ok if she steps on my property and I rush out to make citizen's arrest. However, they grey area is, like JNDATHP, says.... not with the intent to do bodily harm. I must make an effort to restrain her knowing that a judge or jury could be watching the recorded videos to see how good or bad I am. If the person pulls a deadly weapon, then it's game on. Other wise, gotta use those styrofoam pool noodles :)
Unfortunately, brandishing a weapon in Nevada for a property crime is not a good idea
Totally agree. Here in Texas you are justified to use a firearm to stop certain property crimes. But I would never recommend anyone do that. The possibility of escalation is real, especially with someone with mental issues. Are you really ready to take someone's life over that? If you have never taken a life, you really have no idea how it will impact you. Chances are there will be legal repercussions as well as emotional ones. Deadly force should be reserved as a last resort. Don't get me wrong, I fully support the 2nd, am a shooter, and am always armed. Well, except in the shower.
We were constantly told in the academy that it may take two seconds to decide and fire your weapon but the courts will have twenty years to decide if your judgment was correct, and that was back in the day when LEOs were respected.

@Holbs, I emphasize with your situation. I sure hope you can get it resolved to your satisfaction. The fact that you have a detective assigned to the case as opposed to a street cop taking a report (not that it is wrong) is positive.
was told by a unnamed Reno, Nevada police officer that since I have cameras outfront, I should be ok if she steps on my property and I rush out to make citizen's arrest. However, they grey area is, like JNDATHP, says.... not with the intent to do bodily harm. I must make an effort to restrain her knowing that a judge or jury could be watching the recorded videos to see how good or bad I am. If the person pulls a deadly weapon, then it's game on. Other wise, gotta use those styrofoam pool noodles :)

The main reason I suggested going out armed is because you know she has a knife if she's slashing your tyres. You don't know what she's going to do with that if you approach her, and getting close enough to grab her physically to make an arrest is extremely risky in that situation. You're better stood off and holding her there until police arrive. At least that way if she comes at you, you have space and time to react approriately. Local laws always apply and you have to stay within the laws and common sense. I agree no-one ever wants to use a weapon and even if your laws permit it, it's use should only be as a last resort. JNDATHP is entirely right in using caution and the other suggestions I made for getting her arriving on video or getting the police to ambush her, are far better if feasible.
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OK @bigredfish I can appreciate the Glock on the ledge, but I do not know how vacuum sealing an AR would be necessary. They work fine when wet and I think that unwrapping it would take way too much time?
Just so folks know what I have personally done so far...
My main #1 PersonOnProperty notification is my outdoor Bosch OD850 PIR. It is attached to the light pole at 6' height as high as it can go pointing directly at the truck in the driveway. Would be better between 7'-9' but that is not an option as of yet. Have had it running for a week. It works 100%. Does not have Pet Immunity so does catch the stray cat/dog but that's ok. Am thinking of replacing it with one of my indoor Bosch TriTech Pet Immunity Gen2 PIR's and weatherproof it as much as I can and then test. This PIR is connected to my DSC 1834 home security system that is a DIY unit which has Envisalink IP card connected to my network which in turn integrates with my Home Assistant home automation, which in turns toggles on/off 2 devices: Z-wave portable AC plug which a hair trimmer vibrates on a wooden bed table end for 3 seconds on alert (needed something jarring to wake me up) and TCL Roku smart tv which automatically swaps to the HDMI input source of my Blue Iris server (had to run a 50' HDMI cord along floor, up stairwell, to tv) to show the Outside Group camera grid, on alerts. I did recieve a Z-wave Zooz S2 multisiren that came in yesterday that will replace my hair trimmer. Sounds totally ghetto, but I had to work with what I had on hand.
#2 PersonOnProperty notification. This is where I feel ashamed. I feel I let @fenderman and @looney2ns down :) All of my cameras. All Dahua's. Mix of 3 x 5442's and 4 x 5231's on the front side. Can you believe it....all set to camera factory defaults. Everything on Auto or whatever factory default was. All set to default motion dection. When these incursions onto my property started, some cameras triggered motion alerts, some did not. Luckily, I do record on 24/7 continuously so was able to see what was needed from any camera. I had no notifications setup. That means, I did not know the incursion happened til the following morning. Always thought I would have more time to really dig into fine tuning and configurations, but never got around to it due to Covid, Cali fire season, house DIY projects, etc. Well, I'm learning now. At least, trying to. I have specific camera's send a TXT alert with image to my phone on motion and also to Blue Iris send MQTT message to Home Assistant to turn on TV. I have installed Deepstack AI and OnGuard to help identify items and do appropriate alerts (95% complete with this as not seeing alert flags on Blue Iris, but is work in progress on my end). I had to learn schedules/profiles . I have a Rasberry Pi4 on the way for a dedicated UI3 24/7 for the Roku TV to replace the HDMI cable I have laying on the floor. I have learned the use of substreams for clone camera purposes, UI3 purposes, and lowering CPU usage (was upto around 45%, now down to under 20%). Basically, because I did not heed some of the advice from many here, I am in a rush to do so now.
This Christmas weekend, learning the details about motion detection, tripwires, zones....stuff that makes a camera trigger. Things I should of done when I first bought my first IP camera & Blue Iris. Because with default camera values, I do not feel safe with my lackluster understanding of positive, false, and no trigger events.
sidenote: I will be ordering a Dahua SD5A425XA-HNR 4MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ when Andy gets it back in stock 1st or 2nd week of January. Always wanted a real PTZ :)
Frontyard x8 2020-12-25 AM.jpg
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Wow . . . you forgot the part about the clothes ready at all times to put on and the flashlight at front door, when you run outside after a dead sleep to confront someone. That is the tough part. Good luck on all your effort. Maybe have BI play a menacing wav file outside when triggered. That way you can take your time getting out of bed.
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Wow . . . you forgot the part about the clothes ready at all times to put on and the flashlight at front door, when you run outside after a dead sleep to confront someone. That is the tough part. Good luck on all your effort. Maybe have BI play a menacing wav file outside when triggered. That way you can take your time getting out of bed.
i do sleep in tshirt and sweat pants. shoes at ready. I leave a single downstairs light on near front door. A 6' wooden pole by front door to assist with any incursion (yes...I am part ninja). Was thinking of upon PersonOnProperty alert to auto-unlock my smart front door for 3 minutes, to quicken the getting out there to confront the person.
going to work on Blue Iris SMS notifications. Or maybe it is email notifications. Even with any false alarms for time being. Was hoping to have some time to fire up my DSC motion sensors, MQTT to home assistant, smartphone notifications. But can not wait no longer.
I think I had notifcations running at one point but too many false alerts so stopped it. Gotta dig into it as I speak
Use the AI trip wire in the 5442 cams, you can reduce false motion down to almost none.
Use the AI trip wire in the 5442 cams, you can reduce false motion down to almost none.
one of my questions regarding tripwires or even simple motion detection... what is the max distance such alerts function? From the pix you can see the cameras can see well beyond 100' down the blacktop driveway.
one of my questions regarding tripwires or even simple motion detection... what is the max distance such alerts function? From the pix you can see the cameras can see well beyond 100' down the blacktop driveway.
The AI tripwires, set to only pick up humans or automobiles will probably see that far, but, every location is different and requires proper tuning for that location.
Don't depend on regular motion detection, too many false positives.
The AI in the 5442's works really well.
In your 5231's, you need to setup zone crossing in BI to cut back on false alerts.
As you have found, leaving it at defaults, is almost never the best option.
The AI tripwires, set to only pick up humans or automobiles will probably see that far, but, every location is different and requires proper tuning for that location.
Don't depend on regular motion detection, too many false positives.
The AI in the 5442's works really well.
In your 5231's, you need to setup zone crossing in BI to cut back on false alerts.
As you have found, leaving it at defaults, is almost never the best option.
when you say.... AI tripwires.. that means the IVS tripwire section in camera GUI themselves, correct? Something I have not yet dabbled with but will!