Don't fall for the Glock fan boy noise.
Glocks don't like me, the grip angel is wrong as it is for many people. They choke as often as any other gun when used under pressure.
I would if you can look and try.
-Glock 19
-Ruger Sr9 or Sr9c
-Ruger Security 9 or the Security 9 compact.
-Glock 42
-Sig P320
-Sig P365
-Springfield any of their XD-M models.
There is a reason that there are hundreds of models to choose from, every gun doesn't fit everybody.
List is in no particular order.
Nice list, but if you're looking for a personal defense firearm I would stay away from all self loading pistols
Though not American, I used to compete at National level when such firearms were permitted here in the UK
For absolute accuracy & ease of use, nothing beats a quality revolver - ideally either S&W or Ruger
My competition gun was a beautiful S&W 686, moderately reworked including trigger & sear with a modified undercut Partridge foresight
It was as happy doing rapid-fire '1500' type comps at 15 feet as it was at doing long range standard pistol at 300 meters, and everything inbetween
With sprung speedloaders (and practice) a reload was under 2 seconds. With practice & comps it was going through 500-600 rounds a week, all flawless & without issue
Don't get hung-up on high magazine capacity - 15 rounds is great but in the heat of the moment a misfeed renders it useless
If I HAD to go for one of those on the list it would have to be the P320
Though of all the self loading pistols I tried through the years (over 400), the most accurate by far was the Steyr GB - though these may be rather hard to find nowadays