Getting the hang of it
Holbswhen you use the black plastic for winter... do you see weeds popping up eventually (other than what's blown in)? I thought clear plastic allows the UV rays to irradiate the top soil, killing the weed seeds laying 0-4" deep where as the black plastic just removes sunlight from existing weeds (killing them) but not doing anything for the seeds in the soil.
I don't know about irradiation with clear plastic on soil, I have not seen clear plastic used on soil. Only black or white. Summer weeds and winter weeds have defensive mechanisms to stop them germinating at the wrong time of the year. Summer weeds won't germinate till soil warms to a certain temp and conversely winter weeds won't germinate till soil cools to a temp. Germination - Wikipedia
You will always get blown in weeds as nature tries to fill bare areas. The best defence is healthy lawn or well maintained hard area ie thick stone or gravel.