Hello guys,
I need some EXPERT advice on my problem.
2nd Blueiris PC:
motherboard =
Gigabyte GA-H97N-WIFI LGA 1150
CPU = i7-4790K (I should have got the i7-4790 instead, I know about it.....

Video = EVGA Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS
Windows = Windows 7 Pro X64
Blueiris v4.5.5.0 x64
In the past 2 days, I have been testing the following hardware components:
1) Video card - taken out the 8400GS and tested on 7600GS
2) Hard disk - taken out WD purple 4TB and tested on a WD purple 2TB (storage)
3) SSD - taken out 4TB and tested on 180GB intel SSD (storage)
All the above testings still led to the same problem video footage degraded when doing playback in Blueiris.
Finally, I found what was causing the problem...........It is the hardware acceleration option = YES (default)
If turn this option off. The problem will not happen............why????
Anyone out there can spare me some enlightenment as why this can cause problem on the playback.
Also I built a 1st Blueiris PC for a friend of mine. Using similar hardware:
Motherboard =
CPU = i7-4790
Video= ASUS Nvidia Geforce 9500GT
Windows =Windows 7 Pro X64
Blueiris v4.5.4.0 x64
Intel HD hardware accelartion = YES(H.264)
This PC does not have problem during playpack.
This pc of my friend can play video footage without any degradation.
No tearing of image. Playback run smoothly without issue.