[SOLVED]Playback video file image degraded


Getting the hang of it
Jul 16, 2016
Hello folks,

I need to know what kind of configuration that I missed during camera installation.
I have only got 1 camera connected to BI.
During playback if there is any fast motion, the video image will get degraded or ghosting(please see the attached picture below). Any idea what went wrong with my configuration settings?

Thank you.
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What camera is it? Maybe try boosting the receive buffer to 5mb under video configuration tab in the cameras properties in BI.
What camera is it? Maybe try boosting the receive buffer to 5mb under video configuration tab in the cameras properties in BI.

I am using a Dahua HDBW4421E IR dome camera.

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I bumped up the Received Buffer (MB) from 6MB to 9MB.........

Na....it did not help......still have the same issue.....not sure whether it cause by have 2 recording servers
running at the same network, pulling video streams from same camera.
1) BI v4 of course...
2) Synology Surveillance Station is also running and accepting video stream from the same camera.
try choosing Dahua> Main stream rtsp instead of generic in the BI camera properties dropdown
also make sure windows is set to high performance and the the HDD never sleeps..
bump the buffer to 20mb
have you tried using direct to disc recording? same fps and i-frame in cameras interface? try switching from h264 to h265 and back? bad network cable? im running out of ideas..
have you tried using direct to disc recording? same fps and i-frame in cameras interface? try switching from h264 to h265 and back? bad network cable? im running out of ideas..

Direct disc recording is turned ON (Camera Properities->Record->Video file format and compression)
I also running of ideas of troubleshooting this very funny problem.:)

Just wondering it is got to do with video card.....
I have already changed it to another WD purple hard disk....no avail, still got the same problem.
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Hello guys,
I need some EXPERT advice on my problem.

2nd Blueiris PC:
motherboard = Gigabyte GA-H97N-WIFI LGA 1150
CPU = i7-4790K (I should have got the i7-4790 instead, I know about it.....:))
Video = EVGA Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS
Windows = Windows 7 Pro X64
Blueiris v4.5.5.0 x64

In the past 2 days, I have been testing the following hardware components:
1) Video card - taken out the 8400GS and tested on 7600GS
2) Hard disk - taken out WD purple 4TB and tested on a WD purple 2TB (storage)
3) SSD - taken out 4TB and tested on 180GB intel SSD (storage)

All the above testings still led to the same problem video footage degraded when doing playback in Blueiris.

Finally, I found what was causing the problem...........It is the hardware acceleration option = YES (default)
If turn this option off. The problem will not happen............why????

Anyone out there can spare me some enlightenment as why this can cause problem on the playback.
Also I built a 1st Blueiris PC for a friend of mine. Using similar hardware:
Motherboard = ASUS B85-PRO GAMER
CPU = i7-4790
Video= ASUS Nvidia Geforce 9500GT
Windows =Windows 7 Pro X64
Blueiris v4.5.4.0 x64
Intel HD hardware accelartion = YES(H.264)
This PC does not have problem during playpack.
This pc of my friend can play video footage without any degradation.
No tearing of image. Playback run smoothly without issue.
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Currently, the drivers for the Intel HD 4600 is the latest one v.

9-5-2017 2-52-50 PM.jpg
Have you set Bit Rate to constant and 8192 and quality to best?
Does really matter? Or is your method really related to this issue.
The hint that I getting here after doing troubleshooting is.....there is problem with the internal INTEL HD 4600 GPU.
And not the camera itself.
1st I got 1 Dahua camera hooked up to the network. = got problem during playback.
2nd I got another Dahua camera hooked (different spec though) up to the network = same old problem during playback.
When I disable or turn off Hardware Accelaration in BI, the problem goes away, simple as that
I did try to uninstall the Intel HD drivers (from Gigabyte website) and installed the latest one from INTEL website.

No avail. Problem still exist.
Does really matter? Or is your method really related to this issue.
The hint that I getting here after doing troubleshooting is.....there is problem with the internal INTEL HD 4600 GPU.
And not the camera itself.
1st I got 1 Dahua camera hooked up to the network. = got problem during playback.
2nd I got another Dahua camera hooked (different spec though) up to the network = same old problem during playback.
When I disable or turn off Hardware Accelaration in BI, the problem goes away, simple as that

Well I'm actually trying to help. Could be the MB, but trying a few things on the camera is pretty easy to eliminate any issue there. Also JUST for trouble shooting you could lower the resolution to 1080P. Won't hurt to try.
Well I'm actually trying to help. Could be the MB, but trying a few things on the camera is pretty easy to eliminate any issue there. Also JUST for trouble shooting you could lower the resolution to 1080P. Won't hurt to try.

As a matter of fact, I did try on the Gigabyte Motherboard(GA-Z97X-UD3H-BK) on another system of mine on the other day.
Guess what, it is not the motherboard problem. :(
Let me remind you what is the problem, during playback the video will be degraded/got ghosting.
I have to conclude after my findings/troubleshooting. It has to be a software bug.:mad:
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I just could not figure out why....if enable Intel Hardware Acceralation upon restart. Playback will have Ghosting effect.
While, if you disable = NO. Playback will not have Ghosting effect.:(
By right if you enable Intel Hardware Acceleration, CPU resource should be lower than having it disabled.
As shown below, this is not the case. It is actually the opposite, funny right?:)
Ghosting .jpg