It does have a removable connector that is USB-C(ish) but realize the connector is still proprietary and is still bigger than an ethernet cablet. I'll include a stock photo I found online of the ends. The smaller end will plug into the dish. I won't say it won't work through 1/2" conduit, but I won't say it will. I think I did a 5/8" hole in my soffit for mine. I'm pretty sure the stock cable length is less than 100'. Maybe 70ish feet, just guessing and going off of memory.
You will need a network adapter. Get it ordered as soon as the store allows you, because they have been running behind on them. I only had to wait a few weeks for mine, others have waited longer. Yes, it's stupid to include internet with a router and no ethernet. You will have exactly one ethernet port coming from your starlink. If you need more, you'll have to use a switch.
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