Starlink satellite internet

I really wanted to get off spectrum (increased to 80/mnth now) and tried T-Mobile. Unfortunately I live it a small gully with small hill on east and south, where the 4G and 5G towers are. Even tried climbing up on the roof to try for better connection, but couldn't get a solid signal above 2 bars and inconsistent speed tests between 1Mbps to 20Mbps. Towers are within 5 miles of my location, but no joy.

You can use the following website to find 4G and 5G towers in your area:
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This site looks to be pretty browser selective. I went through 4 browsers failing to make it work. The closest I got was it claiming I was running an ad blocker, which was shut off.

I had to use Edge (no ad blocker), it didn't like Brave... I'm using PiHole though...