My At&t dsl, while slow, has been reliable for the past few years. A couple weeks ago, it has been dropping out for hours almost every night. After all troubleshooting on my end, I finally had to call them. They sent a tech out and said everything is working fine, all lines look good, but he is seeing a lot of line errors causing modem reboots. He said that since I am 6100 feet from the nearest central office (in town), my lines are unable to sustain the 18down/1up package that I have, and the modem keeps rebooting and trying to achieve those speeds. It does not make sense since its been reliable for years (even though I only get about 12 down, 1 up most of the time), nothing has changed, and my new problems are happening overnight at off peak times. After talking with customer service, they are sending out a line tech to test/measure the lines from the central office to my box out front. Doubtful they will find anything.
Yeah, I need Starlink to work out.
Yeah, I need Starlink to work out.