Steal from vehicle CCTV footage - what went wrong?


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2019
Hey everyone,

At 1:08am this morning, someone entered my unlocked (yes, I know) car. He rummaged through the car and took off.

I thought I was smart by setting my blueiris setup to record 720p 24/7 and then switch to full resolution when motion was detected. However, as you can see from the footage, that did not work out so well...

My current setup is:

1. IPC-T5442T-ZE cameras
2. Blueiris
3. CodeProject AI

I am looking for genuine feedback as to how I can make improvements on the quality... as you can see from the day footage, it is pretty good. I do have a LED sensor light which for some reason did not activate.

Video links:
(daytime comparison)
Have you actually tested that motion is detected at night time in the location you park your car?

There seems to be quite a lot of light behind the cars. Is that from a street light or a light on your property?
Having the cars illuminated more might help with the motion detection.
Have you actually tested that motion is detected at night time in the location you park your car?

There seems to be quite a lot of light behind the cars. Is that from a street light or a light on your property?
Having the cars illuminated more might help with the motion detection.
Yes, motion detection picked him up and sent me an alert to say a person was detected...

The light to the rear is actually a LED street light.
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I'm not sure this applies, but I've been told to turn off object detection and change from Edge Vector to Simple....
Possibly your minimum object size could be lowered.
but im an amateur.
As stated change to simply algorithm. Also how long is your trigger break time set to? You may miss tiny bits of motion unless you set it to 30-60s
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8 seconds is really short and you likely got 8s worth of main stream when BI triggered but not when he was moving inside the car.
So something like 45 seconds end trigger and max 120 seconds?

In theory, he was in the car for like 1.5 - 2 minutes? So maybe longer?
So something like 45 seconds end trigger and max 120 seconds?

In theory, he was in the car for like 1.5 - 2 minutes? So maybe longer?
You need to be careful with the max duration setting as it may prevent a re-trigger.
From the help file.
Break time
The Break time is simply the duration of the triggered state. If there is no additional
triggering during the break time, the trigger state will expire and recording will stop (unless
otherwise configured on the Record page).
If an additional trigger occurs while the camera is already triggered, this is called a re-trigger,
and the break timer is reset. The triggered state (and associated recording etc.) always
continue for this period of time beyond the most recent trigger event.
An overall maximum trigger time is configurable. You may defeat this with a value of ‘0’.
Like the Alert page setting for also re-triggers, this option provides another method to “re-
alert” for continuing motion or other triggers. However it also forces the trigger to end,
which may affect recording file cuts and other “on trigger” events.
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You need to be careful with the max duration setting as it may prevent a re-trigger.

So does that mean if I set the "End Trigger" to 45 seconds and "Max" to 60 seconds this would be optimal?
How do you know if it prevents a re-trigger? sorry just a little confused.
if I increase the "End trigger" to 45 seconds... does that mean I'll need to also increase the number of "real time images" that BI sends to the AI?
The two things that I see as going wrong are forcing the cameras to remain in color and the fact that your subject is back lit. No amount of resolution can solve those two problems. Plus you might consider a longer focal length for the last camera in your posts, the one that provides the driver side view between the two cars.
Thanks everyone!

I've switched the front cameras back to auto mode between colour and black and white. It seems to improve the image quality quite a bit.

One issue I am battling now is, after switching to break time of 40 seconds and max 60 seconds... it seems when a motion is detected, it picks up a person, and then 1 second later another motion detection of a person is detected.. so sometimes I end up with 3-10 "person" detections instead of the 1 i had before?