Strange noise / pixelation at bottom of camera image

With all my Dahuas, ROI sits in the same menu as the stream bitrates, just on a different tab. I don't know if it improves the image quality of the selected region but it sure degrades the rest.

Reading through your responses and looking at your clip, if this is an artifact, I don't see the origin. You say you can zoom in and out and it stays. I would personally be surprised if throwing bandwidth at this will change the game, but it is relatively easy to try from below.
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So looks like changing from 265h at max bit rate the cam can handle (5632kbs) to 264h at max bit rate the cam can handle (8192kbs) has solved this. Strange... 265h is meant to be better both for streaming and recording compared to 264h.
Also what's strange, this camera's encoding has always been set to 265h but this phenomenon has only recently started to show up.
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h.265 at least as implemented by Dahua thus far seems to have no useful benefit and creates more problems than its worth