Sub Stream Setup / Options Question


Young grasshopper
Sep 28, 2020
Reaction score
Live Oak, FL
After reading the Sub Stream Guide Wiki I see that it says,Screen Shot 2020-10-10 at 5.14.45 PM.png

So lets say I have a 8MP camera that I want to record 24/7. But I only want it to record 2MP (1080p) 24/7 and I want it to record the full 8MP resolution only when motion is triggered.

In the camera web interface settings, if I set the mainstream to the full 4K resolution and the sub stream to 1080p it appears that it will lower CPU usage by recording the 4K stream D-2-D (Direct-to-disk) and using the 1080p for the the multiple-camera viewing and motion detection. But, it will record the full 4K resolution 24/7 to my HDD and use up a lot more HDD space.

The way I've seen this setup was on YouTube from a certain creator that doesn't have a good rep on IPCT so I won't post the link to the vid, but what this person did was set the cameras web interface settings with the main stream 4K and the sub stream 640x480. And then he cloned the cameras in BI and had one camera (the original camera) recording the 640x480 sub stream RTSP 24/7 D-2-D and the cloned camera recording the 4K main stream RTSP on trigger only. Is this how I would want to set this up? By cloning the cameras and using the individual main and sub stream RTSP.

In the YouTube video he uses the RTSP for the 680x420 stream in the Cam recording 24/7 and the 4K "sub stream" RTSP in the cloned cam that records only on trigger. Do cloned cameras increase CPU usage? Or since clone cams are hidden does it not have that much affect?

Anyone have something similar setup with a lower res stream recording 24/7 and a higher res stream recording on motion? How did you accomplish this while keeping CPU usage to a minimum?
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
There are a bunch of threads on cloning cameras and discussing the uses as well as cpu impact. That is where ripoff artists get the info and post it without providing proper credit. It will add no significant overhead because the sub stream is already being decoded for motion detection if you are using that option and the low res substream is of little consequence anyway.
You can also email the developer and ask for this function to be included in the software. There are other vms that already do this like nxwitness.


Young grasshopper
Sep 28, 2020
Reaction score
Live Oak, FL
Is it possible to reassign what the roles of the main stream and sub stream are/do in BI? i.e. so I can set the sub stream to be the one recorded direct-to-disk? I'm not sure if there is any functionality lost by adding the camera by it's RTSP rather than by HTTP in BI. But I assume there is some functionality lost, assuming it's not a PTZ cam (which I'm sure would lose functionality by using the RTSP to add the came rather than HTTP). For instance Watchdog and the ability to reboot the camera in BI?

I ran a search and didn't find anything. About to pull the trigger, and begin setting up BI and my cameras. I've been on IPTC so much I'm dreaming about PoE cams lol


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
You can achieve what you are trying to do by cloning the cam but the minute you change the parameters within the cloned cam BI will then start to pull that as a separate stream rather than using the existing stream, well it did the last time I tried.

So in your case clone your existing cam, set the main cam to the substream and set it to record, then configure it to do motion detection. In the cloned cam set it to use the main his res stream and within the first cam set it to trigger the cloned cam when it detects motion.