sunset keeps shifting

It will take the password of the NVR.
Probably a typo.

Try again lol.

You don't have special characters in your password?

If it doesn't work, then try a factory reset - maybe something got corrupt initializing it.
Nope don't do the forgot password

Can only reset from NVR if you can get into the camera GUI, which you can't lol.
On the ball of the cam is a little door/hatch that says reset and has two screws on it.

Unscrew door/hatch and with the camera plugged in with power press and hold the little reset button for 20 seconds.
when it gets to p2p screen i just opted out - is that good i hear from other guys?
so didnt put my mob at the coded screen
still cam log in via blue e says wrong pw !
currently ive got an entry in top & bottom of devices page
presume i dont delete any in that screen
but still reached a blank here pw not accepted , same one i very frequently use on ie access to nvr & other cam but this new one im stuck with wrong pw username
The very fact that it is showing g green ( says that the password is good and recognized by the NVR.

You have some type of browser issue
Peanut butter and/or coffee in the keyboard will do that

On that screen to the left of the IP address, click the pencil icon. It open a popup box. In that box in the password field give it the password of the NVR. Hit save and then wait 15 seconds and hit refresh at bottom of screen. It should stay green.

Note: this box does NOT change the password. It simply tells the NVR what the password is on the camera so they can communicate
You will need to factory reset the camera. While it’s connected. The little black button inside the little compartment. Hold down for 30 seconds.

Do not unplug it. Do not screw with any settings. After resetting it, wait, wait some more, then hit the refresh button at bottom of that NVR camera screen and it will turn green (if it doesn’t all on its own)

What is the exact model number of this camera?