Super Scammer Vs. Scammer Spree! - The Hoax Hotel


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
hours of fun...

Super Scammer Vs. Scammer Spree! - The Hoax Hotel
There are a couple of those YouTube guys who provoke scammers. I love when HoaxHotel connects scammer to scammer and they go at it.
These should be a learning tool for Internet 101 classes as most think no one falls for this stuff, but apparently they do as these scammer folks make big $$$ from scams.
When they call me, I like to give them generated credit card numbers found at It ties them up for a few minutes, and they usually come back mumbling some type of insult. Its great fun. May be childish, but its keeping them off the phone for a few minutes with other possible victims.