Part of this whole project is to be able to ID on the walking path, which I should be able to do with the 25mm once I can work around the trees. It's only about 61' to the path through these trees, and about 48' if I move to the right. Had the landscapers followed the staggered pattern, this wouldn't be an issue, but alas, here we are. Once it comes time to work on final install I may print a 3D shim to get me to the angle I need.When those trees mature the trunks will be quite a bit wider blocking more view. But only blocking view behind them, for security footage the view in front is what you want.
I will say you can definitely Identify on the 3.6mm and the 12mm which is nice. The 25mm Recognize. The sidewalk is a good focal point.
I am not too worried about the trees getting bigger. They have been there for 8 years now and have barely grown.
I will grab some night IR shots later this evening, but currently they seem promising with a half-assed setting adjustment and set to 50%.