naw...I'm no MQTT pro

I have MQTT working via
Blue Iris & DSC 1864 alarm panel to Home Assistant via MQTT. I think I know the basic levels of MQTT.
What I do not understand is why bother with a Ring script to being with? MQTT is as simple as SMTP email.
Logic would say...RING publishes a topic to MQTT. Anything that can read the MQTT topic (Home Assistant, HomeSeer, another MQTT program) will act on what is published.
Why a script? Maybe the script acts as a go between RING and MQTT. So instead of 3 parties involved (Home assistant <> MQTT <> RING) there is actually 4 parties involved (Home Assistant <> MQTT <> script <> RING). That linked page talks about when this or that is restarted with auto-discovery. This is something I have no need to do when restarting Blue Iris or DSC alarm panel because Home Assistant does not care if something is restarted because it is only looking at that single MQTT publish variable and not the Blue Iris or DSC alarm panel itself.