well, without the WDR off, the far side of the driveway is almost completely black, with it around 30-50, I can see details in the shadows, and tahts in B&W IR mode. tonight I'll play around some more with the settings once its dark. one thing, I dunno what BLC or HLC or SSA are, I know WDR stands for Wide Dynamic Range, and have used that some in terrestrial photography. Also, what is EIS on the Picture screen ? EIS seems to make the picture zoom in a bit more, is it some sort of image stabilization? its off.
that blacked out region on the lower left is not the roof, its a fence around the patio thats not connected to the house, and a dog house thats on the outside of that fence. I can't mount the cameras any lower or that fence obscures too much of the view, and I can't mount the cameras ON that fence or I'd have to 'air bridge' the ethernet cable, plus that fence is only 6' high., so the camera woudl be too low. the chimney mount spot is about 12 feet off the ground, the driveway slopes gently uphill towards the road. My goal with an added illuminator would be to NOT hit the trailer, I want to paint only the area under the trees on the far side of the driveway.
I'd really like a camera with an even longer lens than 12mm but did not find one, at least not in Empire's catalog, and ideally one that has its IR illuminator focused on that narrower cone.