Thanks to all of you: Moderator, Store, Members especially "samplenhold's treatise on LPR's.


Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
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-----I cant boogie like I could at 17 when I volunteered for Nam. 3 brothers from poverty with no welfare, safe spaces, and gender training, my two brothers, me and my dad, looked between our legs to discover our genders and survived 4 wars only to watch this magnificent, benevolent Country slide down the sewer created by ill-educated Zombie, Nazi-tech Socialists Obama globalists who expect everything w/o giving anything back to America. After 3 failed systems, I discovered your LPR system cameras and software works. After years of defending thugs in Courts (with a police officer son) I am aware of the criminal mayhem that is now going to grow exponentially because the Zombies and Sheeple now in charge and our institutions are being destroyed. But now with your cams and software I can protect my neighbors, who are being car burgled routinely. 6 times in the past few months. My cameras have always protected my family and property but my old cam systems only gave blurry outlines of the perps, not clear photos my neighbors needed for police/prosecution procedures. After 2 heart surgeries, growing feebleness, a young energetic wife (carrying my will in her glovebox) you have given me a weapon I can again fight for my Neighborhood, Country, family and God. I am routinely capturing license number between 2:30 and 5:30AM during the thugs preferred "work hours." Ironically, the final evening I installed the third misrepresented LPR at 3:00am my old Samsung 4002N? system monitor displayed a gloved man in a T-shirt with a 3' metal prybar intent on home invasion. He wasn't a hooded teen looking for few dollars for drugs, he wore no face covering and was a cat burglar intent on hurting and/or robbing someone. Within 2 mins my energetic wife woke up and we met him at the front doors with our tools. He quickly vacated the area. Random senseless murders, robbery, theft and home invasions will become endemic under our current moronic gutless politicians. I invested my 3 free money checks from the DemonCraps to buy these cameras and software to put some of them in prison. You guys helped me get there. Maybe someday I will understand B Iris and the AI and other software, but in the meantime I am requesting China Joe and Giggling Kameltoe provide driving lessons at the border where they deliver pay vouchers for the new "undocumented migrants" because two of my neighbors in the last few weeks were killed in 90mph head on collisions by drunken and drugged southern border crossers. God Bless Texas and Gov Abbott, a real American.
Doug, deplorable Christian Atty, Nam Vet, recovering 50yr DemonCrap. Vets are truly Hildabeast's and the Clinton Mobs worst enemies. I hope Trump learned what Ibsen meant when he wrote "When a man stands for truth, he stands alone." and de Tocqueville who wrote America will cease being great when she ceases being good." I learned more Law and Ethics watching Gunsmoke than my Doctorate in law taught me starting with Harvard educators.


Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
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s+-You will never know how helpful your information was to this old Noobie. My wife crafter a 6" Sewer PVC "T" fitting above ground attached to a 4" PVC pipe 4' long, 2 feet cemented in a hole and then 4" base filled with cement to make it resistant to vandalism. The "T" conained the $700 dollar HIKVision LPR peeking to my sweet spot N into our culdesac about 30 feet away. On top of the T she screwed in two cheaper area cameras; one pointing N and one pointing S with IR that gets about 60' of view backed by 4000 lumen dusk to dawn light fixtures on each end of our 50' house. It, like yours was an inexpensive approach, rugged and vandal proof. She used metal screws to attach the two small cams on top of the T and used hose clamp banding to fix the expensive LPR cam to the inside of the T to discourage vandals and thieves We painted it grass green and ordered a corner 30" white picket fence for the 58" corner of the front lawn it sits on. The decorative white picket fence corner pack was $60 from, 'When it arrives next Tues we will wrap barbed wire all around the T and paint the wire Red with a high Voltage sign and 24/7 Cam surveil warning sign. This rugged and inexpensive method came from the great pictures in your treatise. I will send this response in the AM when I get light for a photo. But for the LPR, I don't think we spent over $200 for everything but the 3 cameras. Our hope is a thief will take one of the cheap 2 area cameras and not to get in inside the T to get at the LPR. The decorative picket's highest slat if 28" and the Top of T, area cameras is 32" we may have to cut the plastic fence corner to get the lens view clear. Ill try to figure out how to add photos after it is finished to share with anyone wanting a vandal proofed nest for their LPR set ups. All came from you sharing your info. God Bless All Doug, Recovering Dimcrat.


Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
Wow sounds like you really hardened that install. Really would like pics of it and also some sample caps of plates etc. Others can learn from this.

Reminds me of my brother's solution to kids driving their trucks over people's mail boxes in his old neighborhood back in the 1970's. He was tired of taking the smashed pole and having to plant it back in the ground. So he stubbed a cast iron pipe in the ground secured in concrete. The pipe stuck up about a foot or more. He then placed the PVC pipe that the mailbox sat atop in that cast iron pipe. A few weeks later one Sunday morning he woke up to his mail box hit again. Someone had driven down the street hitting everyone's mailbox including his. But when they hit his, that cast iron pipe took a chunk of the oil pan with it. He followed the oil trail down the street and around the corner there was a pickup truck sitting there. Calls the police and they run the plate. The owner lived two streets over. Cops go to his house and they wake him up and ask about the truck. Turns out his 17yo son took the truck the night before with some friends and had hit mailboxes all over town. Dad was pissed at my brother for the damage to his truck. Typical it's not my kid's fault. You should not have put the pipe in the ground. Asshole.


Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
Reaction score
Wow sounds like you really hardened that install. Really would like pics of it and also some sample caps of plates etc. Others can learn from this.

Reminds me of my brother's solution to kids driving their trucks over people's mail boxes in his old neighborhood back in the 1970's. He was tired of taking the smashed pole and having to plant it back in the ground. So he stubbed a cast iron pipe in the ground secured in concrete. The pipe stuck up about a foot or more. He then placed the PVC pipe that the mailbox sat atop in that cast iron pipe. A few weeks later one Sunday morning he woke up to his mail box hit again. Someone had driven down the street hitting everyone's mailbox including his. But when they hit his, that cast iron pipe took a chunk of the oil pan with it. He followed the oil trail down the street and around the corner there was a pickup truck sitting there. Calls the police and they run the plate. The owner lived two streets over. Cops go to his house and they wake him up and ask about the truck. Turns out his 17yo son took the truck the night before with some friends and had hit mailboxes all over town. Dad was pissed at my brother for the damage to his truck. Typical it's not my kid's fault. You should not have put the pipe in the ground. Asshole.
Ha Ha, Kids kinda stopped that here in Tulsa when a young miscreant hung out the passenger was mowing down mailboxes with a 2x4 and was nearly decapitated when hit a hardened box like your brothers.


Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
Reaction score
Ha Ha, Kids kinda stopped that here in Tulsa when a young miscreant hung out the passenger window was mowing down mailboxes with a 2x4 and was nearly decapitated when hit a hardened box like your brothers.


Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
Reaction score
Ha Ha, Kids kinda stopped that here in Tulsa when a young miscreant hung out the passenger was mowing down mailboxes with a 2x4 and was nearly decapitated when hit a hardened box like your brothers.



Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
Reaction score
Glad my post helped. Share some LPR pics when you get a chance.
I forgot to explain that the original stubbed pipe was 4” and the T on top was 5”. My wife did not glue the T, she used 3 set screws and lubed the t connection so we could swing the top of the T to get the desired read zone. Because HIKVision LPR was a bit to large wife ordered a 6” T with an adaptor to the 4” stubbed pipe. We filled the inside of the T with dessicant packs about size of teabags all around LPR.
We got 6 pictures this evening of tags I’ll be sending everyone when We figure out how to export from HVR. Doug

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Wow sounds like you really hardened that install. Really would like pics of it and also some sample caps of plates etc. Others can learn from this.

Reminds me of my brother's solution to kids driving their trucks over people's mail boxes in his old neighborhood back in the 1970's. He was tired of taking the smashed pole and having to plant it back in the ground. So he stubbed a cast iron pipe in the ground secured in concrete. The pipe stuck up about a foot or more. He then placed the PVC pipe that the mailbox sat atop in that cast iron pipe. A few weeks later one Sunday morning he woke up to his mail box hit again. Someone had driven down the street hitting everyone's mailbox including his. But when they hit his, that cast iron pipe took a chunk of the oil pan with it. He followed the oil trail down the street and around the corner there was a pickup truck sitting there. Calls the police and they run the plate. The owner lived two streets over. Cops go to his house and they wake him up and ask about the truck. Turns out his 17yo son took the truck the night before with some friends and had hit mailboxes all over town. Dad was pissed at my brother for the damage to his truck. Typical it's not my kid's fault. You should not have put the pipe in the ground. Asshole.
Sad but, Welcome to America, where no one owns up to their sins...

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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So how is your LPR shots...In Texas we have very white reflective plates. Just curious at that angle...Kewl pics thanks...Almost looks some kind of Utility Service cover...You could put words "Homeland Security" on it :)
Sep 19, 2015
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Naples Fl
they stopped doing it on my street when they hit my mailbox I had made out of armor plate with a golf club that they found in the pickup truck they stole when the golf club snapped off and became imbedded in the young man's back and they rushed to the ER.

the security guard took one look bloody attacker and followed blood trail out to the stolen truck and called out deputies who arrested the whole crew