The 1st Amendment Thread

Dec 6, 2014
South Dakota
Back when Biden (who am I kidding-- his handlers) were trying to create the "Disinformation Governance Board"-- deemed an unconstitutional idea while still in the idea phase, California ran with it. This was signed into law last August, and now it is facing lawsuits. I am fully convinced that Democrats do not have any respect for the constitution.


Of course-- I'm sure it's Gavin himself who will decide what is disinformation, or hate, or "political interference", etc...

Thanks for starting this thread. All of our basic human rights are being attacked by the left. This is another example of that.
Of course-- I'm sure it's Gavin himself who will decide what is disinformation, or hate, or "political interference", etc...
That's the problem....we have varying and wide ranging ideas and varying definitions of what is radical, terroristic, racist and mis/ person cannot be the end-all to be-all. :headbang:

Thanks for starting this thread. All of our basic human rights are being attacked by the left. This is another example of that.
exactly-- Newsom gets on his virtue-signaling soapbox telling people this PROTECTS peoples rights, when in fact it puts government oversight on the moderation process of platforms. The ONLY oversight should be that sites do not RESTRICT speech that is LAWFUL. Government can not have a say in what gets censored or deleted. Sorry-- preaching to the choir here. LOL

Listen to this talking head idiot on MSNBC list out all the reasons he FEARS the control of Twitter by Musk-- and he doesn't even understand that every concern he expressed is WHAT OLD TWITTER WAS DOING to every conservative on the platform. Musk's reply is awesome.

This was also interesting ..

Misinformation and threats

"Discussion with physician Dr. Suneel Dhand. We discuss information reliability; is the information we receive influenced by external vested interest?

With other interesting questions answered."

Mr. Buttgag is insane. It's one thing for him to make this absolutely unsupported claim, but idiot leftists will listen to this bullshit and start jumping through the mental gymnastics required to make it make sense to them. THEN-- it will be presented as FACTUAL, and anyone saying something different on social media will have a "fact-check" claim attached to their post stating that what you said is "misinformation".

Mr. Buttgag is insane. It's one thing for him to make this absolutely unsupported claim, but idiot leftists will listen to this bullshit and start jumping through the mental gymnastics required to make it make sense to them. THEN-- it will be presented as FACTUAL, and anyone saying something different on social media will have a "fact-check" claim attached to their post stating that what you said is "misinformation".

And the moronic Sharpton soaking up ButtBoy's oral diarrhea can't count to ten with his shoes on... :headbang:
Well well well... There are Minnesota Liberals who want to Track the speech of those they feel are "hateful" -- although that word has not been clearly defined. I am shocked.... Not. /sarc.
No doubt they are planning on the "re-education" camps too...

To be fair, I'll put the links for the city's response.

I missed this one. SCOTUS ruled in FAVOR of a web developer who refused to provide their services for a site related to gay marriage, as she does not believe in that.

SCOTUS agreed, and AGAIN stated that speech cannot be COMPELLED, and in this case, it was the State of Colorado who specifically was attempting to compel the speech of the web developer.

The liberal reaction: death threats and hackers...


I would file my quarterly report as "freedom of speech, FU". If they have a problem with it, then FU.

I'd send a bill for $6,969,696.96 to them for reparations incurred for the systemic racism exhibited by policy that disparately impacts certain historically vulnerable minorities. The funds would come from white old guys named Gavin Newsom.

... my dream is Newsom / Ramaswamy 2024. Watch all the leftists condemn old white folk while "caring" for people of color, meanwhile championing an old white dude and hurling insults at a person of color.
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Jordan lays bare the totalitarian thinking of the DNC hive mind in their blatant censorship of conservative voices. He starts by stating the ACLU used to defend NAZI's--- not for WHAT they said, but for their right to SAY IT.

This actually is import under the 1st .. as the MSM and President Obama and President Biden are doing whatever they can to stop proper free speech on the topic ..

Why Did David Hogg Pull Out of Gun Debate When He Found Out It's Against Colion Noir?

The gun debate in this country doesn't happen because those who advocate for gun control never want to engage in an open and honest debate.

They use emotional tactics like traumatized, scared and highly impressionable Kids as Human shields to shut down debate that would expose the weaknesses in their agenda and avoid facing opposing arguments.

Recently, I was invited to an OFFICIAL debate on gun control and the Second Amendment with none other than David Hogg, a well-known gun-control activist.

You won't believe what happened next! As soon as Hogg learned that I'd be who he was debating against, he backed out of the debate! Surprise, surprise!

But enough is enough. I want this debate to happen for the people.

We all deserve to hear both sides of the argument so we can make informed decisions about gun rights and gun violence.

I, too, am invested in finding solutions to gun violence ; this conversation needs to take place, not just for us, but for our communities.

So, I'm asking you all to refrain from harassment or name-calling, as that's not productive. Instead, let's unite and send this video to David Hogg with the hashtag #DebateColionNoir. It's time for an honest and public discussion about guns in America.

Let's stand up for our rights, for the truth, and for the future of our society. Together, we can make a difference.

Crazy how Hogg is who he is because of the way he has been instructed to interpret what happened to him.

Had a good guy with a gun immediately neutralized the threat, he'd probably be advocating for everyone having a gun.