Young grasshopper
Been watching this thread for a good while now. Thanks for all of the great help that's been provided. On to my problem...
I started with 1.65 and last week switched to 2.0.6x (upgraded to 2.0.759 today). Got it all up and running but I have a weird issue that didn't seem to pop up until after the upgrade, although I don't see how AITool is the culprit. I'm using Blue Iris and have it save photos for AITool to examine in an AIInput folder (as is common I believe). I have BI set to purge files in that folder older than 7 days. Despite that, the images are deleted every 3 to 4 minutes or so. AITool still works, but I have no visual history for AITool. I've attached a screenshot of the settings for that folder in BI. Anyone have any suggestions on something I'm missing or seen something similar? Thank you.
View attachment 83791
I forgot to mention that you should check the folder properties to see if the size of the folder is up to the 1 GB limit you set in BI.
To limit wear on my SSD drive I have a 3 GB RAM drive configured. This is faster than the surveillance drive and an option if you have plenty of RAM in your system. I use Radeon RAMDisk which is free for up to 4 GB RAM drives. My AiInput folder is on the RAM drive. On a reboot the RAM drive image is saved to the surveillance drive and then reloaded to RAM as the OS comes back up. With the RAM drive put a check in DO NOT monitor free space (for some NAS) checkbox because BI will keep warning you that the space is less than you have allocated.