Triggered+Period Record


Jul 5, 2017
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I am new to Blue Iris and I think it's great! It's easy to get started but there is lot's of depth,-and to learn.

So I have been experimenting with different Record setting for my single PZT x4 Zoom IR equipped Logisaf (Chinese knockoff) camera. I am running on a Xenon 3.3GHz Server 2012R2. (A bit bummed the CPU utilization is 70%+ !!!)

If I go to Camera>Record>Video>Triggered+Periodic to create a combination timelapse+trigger video I can & have set the period to 1 min intervals plus both a 0 sec duration and 0.1 sec duration. The difference is substantial.

Using the horizontal timeline to play the video results in a series of "flashes" for each 1 minute interval shot as if a flash had gone off when using the 0.1 second record time; this is for night time shots where I am not using the IR feature as there is enough illumination from conventional sources. However, the resulting combined video (using BVR) looks perfect. I assumed my camera needed some adjustment, but the video looked OK so no worries.

However if I set the record period to zero instead of 0.1 second the flashes disappear and both the timeline video and the finished assembled video (from the right hand vertical window) look perfect.

I suppose this is a bit of a tempest in a teapot, but just wondering if a camera adjustment is in order or I have something else out of kilter. I have not been using IR at night as everything collapses to B&W (of course).


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I am new to Blue Iris and I think it's great! It's easy to get started but there is lot's of depth,-and to learn.

So I have been experimenting with different Record setting for my single PZT x4 Zoom IR equipped Logisaf (Chinese knockoff) camera. I am running on a Xenon 3.3GHz Server 2012R2. (A bit bummed the CPU utilization is 70%+ !!!)

If I go to Camera>Record>Video>Triggered+Periodic to create a combination timelapse+trigger video I can & have set the period to 1 min intervals plus both a 0 sec duration and 0.1 sec duration. The difference is substantial.

Using the horizontal timeline to play the video results in a series of "flashes" for each 1 minute interval shot as if a flash had gone off when using the 0.1 second record time; this is for night time shots where I am not using the IR feature as there is enough illumination from conventional sources. However, the resulting combined video (using BVR) looks perfect. I assumed my camera needed some adjustment, but the video looked OK so no worries.

However if I set the record period to zero instead of 0.1 second the flashes disappear and both the timeline video and the finished assembled video (from the right hand vertical window) look perfect.

I suppose this is a bit of a tempest in a teapot, but just wondering if a camera adjustment is in order or I have something else out of kilter. I have not been using IR at night as everything collapses to B&W (of course).
Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with your timelapse so its hard to help..
for cpu utilization 1) you are running an old processor 2) you MUST enable direct to disk recording. 3) this will not work in the demo...


Jul 5, 2017
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I am trying to create an easy-to-view record of an extended period (8 hours) so I don't waste a lot of time looking over things. Only the triggered events play in real time this way. The use of triggered+periodic allows that if I read the manual correctly. OK I'll try direct to disk recording; I was unaware of what that feature was for. I had been using Record>Video Format>Blue Iris DVR and Re-encode as I thought the latter feature was for exporting an mp4 which I s what I'd like to do. Thanks fr the suggestion. CPU utilization went from 70+ to in the 50's.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I am trying to create an easy-to-view record of an extended period (8 hours) so I don't waste a lot of time looking over things. Only the triggered events play in real time this way. The use of triggered+periodic allows that if I read the manual correctly. OK I'll try direct to disk recording; I was unaware of what that feature was for. I had been using Record>Video Format>Blue Iris DVR and Re-encode as I thought the latter feature was for exporting an mp4 which I s what I'd like to do. Thanks fr the suggestion. CPU utilization went from 70+ to in the 50's.
a time lapse video is basically useless for security....either use when triggered or use continuous...even with continuous its easy to jump to the next alert by clicking a button..


Jul 5, 2017
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Actually I am using this to record wildlife 24/7 here in the mountains of Colorado in the middle of the woods. Not too interested in the security feature. So I am trying to get decent recordings of only the wildlife activity (Bears, Mountain Lions, Wild Turkeys, etc., etc.,) It's quite attractive IMHO to have the time lapse of the day sweep by but then play a real time video when there is significant animal activity. I can then cut out the wildlife and save it if it's significant.