Trying to get Axis 213 to show on BlueIris

Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Eugene, OR
Hi All;
Just got a used older model axis camera (axis 213) and am trying to get it to run through BlueIris.
I can get the camera image through my LAN okay, but can't get it in BlueIris.
The weirdest thing is after going through all the setup pages again and again,
there is no mention of a port number anywhere. Or I should say, the only mention of port numbers are:
HTTP port (server) 55762;
TCP port (server) 55764;
but no "regular" port number like 74 or 86 ... no 2-digit port numbers like I am used to seeing with IP cameras.
I tried using the above mentioned 55762 for the http port, but neither that,
nor anything I have tried has worked so far.

BlueIris has an axis entry:
axis 205/6/7/9,211/2/3/4/5/6, 2120, other MJPEG
The 213 model is included there, right?, yet that entry doesn't work for me either.
The "live view" page, which is over the LAN, (USING FIREFOX) uses "Motion JPEG".
Isn't that what the MJPEG in the axis camera line above refers to?

I'm not sure what to try next. I hope someone has some ideas!



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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@birdfeedercams Welcome to the forum. Select the next option down, 20x/21x mpeg-4

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Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Eugene, OR
Thank you for the welcome. I tried your suggestion and at first it didn't work, but then I kept trying various things
like changing the port numbers both to 80 or both to 55762 or one each, then the other way around.
Finally at some point I saw an error message saying "check port, user, password. Well I had already been trying
things with the port so I changed from the administrative user I created which works on the LAN system,
and changed to the root administrative user/password. That WORKED!

So I've got the camera image working now.
However I don't want to have to use the root user /password since I think that is a big security hole,
and I don't see why I should have to do that if the user/with admin privileges I created works on the LAN live view page.
Do you have any ideas about that Fenderman?



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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No problem.
This is all taking place on your lan so its not risk to pass the admin password. Furthermore, how is admin access any more of a risk than user access? What potential risk are you concerned about?
That said, it should work with the user password, make sure you enter it correctly...
You might want to try mpeg4 as the compression should be much better..
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Eugene, OR
Hi again;

Well, not entirely on the LAN. The BlueIris is broadcasting on the internet. I access it using my WAN IP.
I guess maybe you mean while I am setting up the camera in BI, the password used for that is strictly local (LAN)
- I hadn't thought of that until now.
Then I guess when I access BI across the internet using my WAN IP, the password/user combination THERE
are those of the user I set up. Okay I think I am understanding this better now.

Regarding security, I thought I read that the root / admin user/password that cameras come with
are very insecure because they all then to be pretty much the same so people can easily guess them.
That's what I was thinking about when I said what I did about now wanting to use that in BI - but now I see that I was only using that combination
while setting up the camera within the BI software itself. That's not what I use to access BI over the internet.

Beyond that, I mean someone figuring out the password to my BI stream - I don't know much about security issues.
I don't know what someone can do with the password other than view the videostream; (as if a hacker would want to watch
my bird feeders!). I've heard again and again that forwarding a port - having a port open - constitutes a risk of some kind,
but I don't really know what the risk is. I'm interested in knowing more about that, but mostly just out of curiosity.

And you were right about something else too - I checked the camera set-up again in BI and I found that the user I created does work.
I must have entered something wrong before.

Thank you very much! I spent an hour trying to get BI to "see" this camera. I knew it must be possible to get it working
so I wasn't losing hope - after all I hadn't asked for help yet and I knew you have helped uncounted hordes of folks here, :)

I had had quick success on BI with a different camera which I had not been able to set up in NetcamStudio,
so I thought this axis would go quickly too, but it didn't.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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As you stated, the cameras user name and password are not passed and irrelevant when using the blue iris webserver...use a strong password for blue iris...
The blue iris username and password are passed encrypted however the video itself is not encrypted unless you use Stunnel with blue iris...
Yes port forwarding poses a risk, however, I have never heard of an instance of a blue iris pc being compromised though the webserver. If you wish you can use VPN to secure the connection.
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