Trying to understand my NVR /Camera setup


Young grasshopper
Jun 14, 2017
Hi all, hope this is the right thread for this.

Not sure how this happened, but I have a Hikvision NVR Model DS-7608NI-I2 / 8P running version V3.4.93 firmware that has been assigned an IP on my home network of, however, the 3 x IP cams I have attached to it are on a different IP address range which is, 12, and 4...

I am not well versed in this, but why are the cameras not being assigned IP addresses in my home LAN so I can access the cameras individually using the 192.168 IP range.

It appears to me the 3 cameras seem to be behind the NVR, this might be the better security option but it prevents me viewing the stream of the cameras unless I use the RTSP strings.

How do I go about getting the NVR and cameras to each have there own IP address on my Home 192.168 LAN range.

Is there a simple way to set it up or change a setting in the NVR that allows me to have the NVR stay at (have got this set on a static IP) and the cameras on 192.168.20.XX etc.

As I said, I'm very new to all this, so any help would be appreciated. Apologies if I have not explained myself well. I may not have some of the terminology right.

I got this setup at a good price (older cameras and NVR with old GUI it seems), and have it up and running, just not the way I'd like.
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That is by design - the NVR puts the cameras on a separate IP address range to isolate them from the system. It is the preferred way to do it.

There should be a way for you to access the camera GUI from the NVR GUI.

So you use a browser (being an older one I would suggest Internet Explorer) and type in the IP address of the NVR and then one of the screens should show you how to get to the camera GUI.
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The cams, when fed by a POE NVR, are attached to a different network subnet (via the NVR's "Virtual server") so as to isolate the cams from the Internet, which is desirable.
You can stream each cam from the NVR's LAN IP using specific URL's which provide a specific stream type and from a specific NVR channel.

There are ways to do what you ask (i'm no NVR guy, I use Blue Iris VMS on a PC) but I know @alastairstevenson has terrific insight on the how-to's for Hikvision cams and NVR's.
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Hik-Connect app is an app you can install on your phone. It should walk you thru how to view your cameras via your NVR. I'm not a Hikvision guy but they have solid equipment.

PTP via the hikvision app is the comon way to view your cameras. Google probably has 100's of how too's on setting this up.
Thanks guys for the responses. I can access the NVR and the 3 cameras in my Firefox Browser, I do not see a picture as the plug ins not longer work as we all know. I have used Chrome with the IE Tab add on extension and can see the live feeds that way. I have no problems accessing the cameras or the NVR via a GUI, I just wanted to sever the tie from the cameras being on a different subnet.

Sorry if I wasn't clearer...I don't explain myself well at times.
It is a security risk to sever the tie from the cameras thru the NVR.... It is designed that way for a reason.

If you want to have them the same IP as the LAN (we repeat not advised), you can go into the network settings in the NVR and bridge it and change it (not sure what Hik calls it).
It is a security risk to sever the tie from the cameras thru the NVR.... It is designed that way for a reason.

Hi, yes, understand that, I just wanted to know how to do it.must be some setting I am overlooking...

Maybe I am not thinking about this right, but how is it any different to say using Blue Iris or in my case Security Spy (as I have a mac) would the cameras not then be accessible with an individual IP address, but be on the 192.168 LAN segment.

Just trying to understand the difference, maybe BI or SS have a lot more protections in place.
With BI most of us have placed the cameras on a 2nd NIC or VLAN switch (and thus different IP addresses than the LAN), which is essentially what the NVR is doing for you.
With BI most of us have placed the cameras on a 2nd NIC or VLAN switch (and thus different IP addresses than the LAN), which is essentially what the NVR is doing for you. it, thanks. Did not know that was how it was being done. I just thought you downloaded the software and installed on PC and searched for them on the Home LAN. Appreciate that clarification.

Hopefully someone will have the method you mentioned that Hik use, in severing the bridge, again, if that is the right way of stating it. Many thanks wittaj
I don't think an NVR will allow you to put the cameras on the same subnet your NIC card is on if the poe ports are part of the nvr.

I could be way off on that statement, but had a Uniview tech tell me that one day?
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and i tried to assign a 192.168... address to the inbuilt poe ports but the NVR said i couldn't. Not in those words but did indicate the poe ports had to be assigned a different private subnet.

Again, I'm not famillar with your model or it's features. Many other members are much better on some of this than myself.

So, just trying to help even if I'm wrong.:idk:
just read your model...

Hikvision NVR Model DS-7608NI-I2 / 8P running version V3.4.93 firmware - well i am a dummy. I'm gonn slink out of this thread.......
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You may want to watch your connection logs in the cameras or in the software your using...if you do get them on a 192.168.x.x net.
You may find port sniffing bots trying to see what ports you are using to visit the cameras. Like I did when I left the condo's port 81 open. I had several Ip addresses that I looked up that had made attempts to logon.....all of them were some kind of nefarious baddies with reported safety concerns.
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All great points from everyone.. thanks. Doesn't sound like it can be done anyway, or at least easily, and has it has been pointed out, not a good idea, and that is what the NVR is for (security and ease) it would seem. I guess I could always take the NVR out of the loop, get a POE switch and plug the cameras into that and just use software.

One of the other MAIN reasons I was wanting it to work, I was thinking about trying out a good quality Dahua camera and wasn't sure how nice it would play with the Hik NVR.
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I was thinking about trying out a good quality Dahua camera and wasn't sure how nice it would play with the Hik NVR.
Mixing brands of camera and NVR can be a bit hit and miss, but you should be able to get recordable footage from it one way or another.
However you may run into issues with specific features of the dahua camera.
Eg. I have a dahua camera on my uniarch NVR and the only function that works is plain old motion detection.
No smart detection, no IVS via the NVR even though the camera is configured for it.
You can access the camera GUI from the NVR GUI by doing the following:
Access the NVR GUI from a web browser and go to the network settings, click advanced settings, and select the "other" tab. Check the box next to "virtual host" and click apply/save. Next, click on "System" on the left and go to "Camera Management". Select "IP Cameras" at the top and you should now have a clickable link next to each camera.
You can access the camera GUI from the NVR GUI by doing the following:
Access the NVR GUI from a web browser and go to the network settings, click advanced settings, and select the "other" tab. Check the box next to "virtual host" and click apply/save. Next, click on "System" on the left and go to "Camera Management". Select "IP Cameras" at the top and you should now have a clickable link next to each camera.

Yes. that worked, I can access the config file for each of the 3 cameras now. Pity I cannot find a plug-in that works any longer to view the stream within the browser. Additional reading suggests that these plug ins have been discontinued for the more current browsers, something about NPAPI plugins are no longer supported.

SO, how are people viewing their cameras live stream on their PC or Mac within a browser. I know how I purchase software to do this, but are their NO browsers that work anymore.
Yes. that worked, I can access the config file for each of the 3 cameras now. Pity I cannot find a plug-in that works any longer to view the stream within the browser. Additional reading suggests that these plug ins have been discontinued for the more current browsers, something about NPAPI plugins are no longer supported.

SO, how are people viewing their cameras live stream on their PC or Mac within a browser. I know how I purchase software to do this, but are their NO browsers that work anymore.

Most of us disabled windows updates so that we can continue to use Internet Explorer. And some have had success with Pale Moon.
Pity I cannot find a plug-in that works any longer to view the stream within the browser. Additional reading suggests that these plug ins have been discontinued for the more current browsers, something about NPAPI plugins are no longer supported.
Yes, that's true.
However, for your NVR, in newer firmware Hikvision implemented the non-proprietary 'websocket' browser facility that allows plugin-free video rendering in the web GUI.
Also - the NVR 4.x firmware provides a much improved interface, especially in the HDMI/VGA connection.
Upgrades to the NVR 4.x firmware must be done in stages, there is a configuration conversion flaw if too big a jump is made.

Example below using Edge in Win10 with the V4.22.005 build 191208 firmware.

Yes, that's true.
However, for your NVR, in newer firmware Hikvision implemented the non-proprietary 'websocket' browser facility that allows plugin-free video rendering in the web GUI.
Also - the NVR 4.x firmware provides a much improved interface, especially in the HDMI/VGA connection.
Upgrades to the NVR 4.x firmware must be done in stages, there is a configuration conversion flaw if too big a jump is made.

Example below using Edge in Win10 with the V4.22.005 build 191208 firmware.

View attachment 142816
Mmmm, seems like I need to invest in a newer NVR with latest software. As they say, "No pockets in shrouds" so may as well spend my money and make life easier.