Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Getting comfortable
Aug 1, 2018
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All these "brave" idiots in the congress crying to send troops to fight the Russians now. The same ones who put up fences to hide from the folks they supposedly represent and cry behind desks afraid of their own shadows.

You can't vote to send anyone to war unless you send your own son or daughter, too. When I'm king, that's the rule.

These people leave their own borders open and undefended, and allow their own cities and businesses to be burned down and looted without any effort to put an end to it. These are the people who should be out on their asses tomorrow without pension or paid medical for life before they screw up the rest of the world like they have their own country.

Hi feebees!


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Interesting read on the lengths the Russian state media will go to suppress, groom and brainwash it's citizens.

It seems it's applying the Mushroom Method where all it's citizens are kept in the dark and fed shite.

I know MSM has it's faults but this is on another level.

Disclaimer- no offence to mushrooms was implied or intended. Mushrooms matter too



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Thanks for the video, does not surprise me that there will be "express lanes" during times of conflict ..

as is, in the US numerous "express lanes" have shown up .. where if you can afford it - the authorities give you access to the preferred lane ..

as well as the conception of congestion pricing .. which naturally when it is more congested you would expect the prices to be much higher ..

Personally, I also have issues with high taxes meant to pay to the highways and then dividing it up between those who can pay more for a speedier passage.
( I am ok with express lanes for buses, and emergency vehicles .. not so happy when the wealth divide is illustrated by express ways, as those with great political power need to feel the stresses of the rest of society to better appreciate the economic and other impacts of policy - thus imho all should be using the normal lanes except when there is a larger public interest .. example again buses, emergency vehicles .. )





corrupt Ukraine police saving the rich and their cars , scared of russia (who made them rich)

View attachment 121074



Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
What do the Democrats have to do with this?
I wasn't intending to inject party politics with that comment, but running with it, Obama was the president in 2014 when the USA and some European countries conspired to overthrow Viktor Yanukovych, who was elected Ukrainian prime minister in an election every bit as free and fair as ours are. Then the western countries helped install Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the new prime minister, and all of a sudden Ukraine was interested in joining NATO, breaking an agreement with Russia that appears to have been confirmed. I view this as just much an unprovoked attack as one side physically invading across the border and shooting. I'm not saying Yanukovych was a good guy. There's a lot of thinking he was a big scumbag, but what right did we have to go in there and help overthrow him? You can go further back in history to say Russia is the bad guy, then Russia is the good guy, and back and forth until you can't tell anything. I'm not intending at all to start an argument, just bringing up the other side of the coin. It's awfully hard to find the truth hidden under the piles of propaganda.

As an off-topic analogy, when I was a T-ball coach one of my kids hit another over the head with the bat when I wasn't looking. Total slam-dunk assignment of guilt, right? Investigation found that the kid who got hit had earlier done something to provoke, then the other one provoked, and back-and-forth ad-infinitum. In the end, I couldn't determine who started the escalating conflict.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I get it and not arguing the point. But if we don’t draw lines between dirty politics, or t-ball provocation, and a shooting war killing people , well things are gonna get pretty sporty all over the place.

If violence is the appropriate response, and we condone it, for whatever injustice, where exactly does that stop? There is a certain culture here in the US that already firmly believes that. The next “righteous” invasion just might be St Louis, or Baltimore, or more likely LA.
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Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
I'll agree about hating violence, and I'm afraid of saying something careless that can be mistaken as promoting or supporting it. So taking the risk, I'll say that one man's violence is another man's self defense. If somebody is kidnapped in a non-violent way, is it acceptable to resort to violence to escape? If Canada or Mexico had decided to join the Warsaw Pact, was the USA to accept it because they are a sovereign country? If Russia were with permission to install missiles in Cuba, do we let them do it to avoid the risk of violence? I went through school back when they taught the 3 Rs, and also was taught that the USA never starts wars and reluctantly joins them only when it's for a righteous cause. I've since seen that the USA frequently starts wars and it's usually about gaining money and power one way or another. I can easily see that Russia can feel backed into a corner and might be responding out of fear, which may be real or imagined. Fear responses are often irrational. It sure looks like the western countries have stoked that fear. I don't think this would have blown up at all if Trump were still in power, and I think Trump's attitude about Ukraine in NATO would be to say that we love Ukraine and would like to have them in NATO, but Russia deserves to not have the threat of the western military sitting on their border, so it's best for Ukraine to stay out of NATO and we won't love them any less for it.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
The next “righteous” invasion just might be St Louis, or Baltimore, or more likely LA.
And there are a bunch of different entities who can do it. We saw Canada freeze bank accounts. We see social media censorship by the tech companies. We see the credit card companies cutting off Russian consumers. We've seen amazon shut down web sites. Any of this and a lot more can easily be done to selected cities or states. Our addition to smartphones, social media, and convenience has turned over to large companies and government almost every aspect of our comfort and survival. We have willingly become easy to control and punish. The ones who are acting most concerned about past slavery are at the leading edge of enslaving us.