Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
these corporations along with some others and big tech think they can elect the next president and install other world leaders under the same cancel culture tactics they bring against Russia.
I often wonder who is really running the U.S. I can't prove a thing but often think it's the large corporations, and the general population is rushing just as fast as it can to give them even more power. For cheap stuff and convenience we're just lining up and begging to become slaves of what's often called the 1%. My biggest disappointment with this forum is all of the promotion of amazon. It's clear how it affects brick-and-mortar businesses. I'm suspecting it's not so widely known how much of online commerce and the internet in general is controlled by amazon and can be shut down on short notice? Parler was the canary in the coalmine for this and I don't detect that there's a lot of concern over it. Then of course there's the blatant control of the government by lobbyists, and control of information by the MSM. Overall it seems like the general citizenry is last in line for setting government policy. The government is supposed to serve the people, and it's all turned on its head. I don't see how it gets any better in the foreseeable future.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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The Government today announced it's thinking of supplying Starstreak Manpads to Ukraine.

This UK missile system is the fastest air to air missile in the world of it's type (short range to 7km) - mach 4+, cannot be decoyed - it uses neither heat nor RF / Radar to seek, and contains 3 projectiles per missile warhead that separate near the target and are designed to penetrate internally before exploding:

It comes in vehicle mounted, triple Manpad Station and single Manpad.

Russia's going to get a$$F***D with these if they decide to supply. No more flying helos across lakes flares blazing. Reaction time is going to be zero not that it can be decoyed anyway.

They also announced another 1,750 NLAWS to be supplied for definite.
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Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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The Government today announced it's think of supplying Starstreak Manpads to Ukraine.

This UK missile system is the fastest air to air missile in the world of it's type (short range to 7km) - mach 4+, cannot be decoyed - it uses neither heat nor RF / Radar to seek, and contains 3 projectiles per missile warhead that separate near the target and are designed to penetrate internally before exploding:

It comes in vehicle mounted, triple Manpad Station and single Manpad.

Russia's going to get a$$F***D with these if they decide to supply. No more flying helos across lakes flares blazing. Reaction time is going to be zero not that it can be decoyed anyway.

They also announced another 1,750 NLAWS to be supplied for definite.
There's much talk today of a children's hospital being destroyed sadly with many deaths and casualties.

While they won't turn the clock back hopefully putting these to good use will prevent further or provide a little payback for these atrocities.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I often wonder who is really running the U.S. I can't prove a thing but often think it's the large corporations ..
Well, it certainly is not the folks saying Ivermectin works .. :banghead:

Follow the money, this will help determine the results of "who is really running the USA"

Oddly, in 2021 .. National Association of Realtors is #2 at $44 Million

and .. property values are insane .. certainly, it must only be the supply and demand equation .. no one can be putting their finger on the Scale ..

Oh and look who is #3 .. Pharma .. hmmm ...



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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The ukraine Azov battalion which is a Nazi group use hospitals, schools and residential buildings as a hub for attacking the russians or for storing ammo or for regrouping.
These guys then put selfie on twitter with them inside those buildings and the russians bomb those building.
They also use civilian vehicles to move around.

Plenty of videos on twitter from drones show them on those buildings.

Plenty of videos from civilians inside apartments that show Ukrainen armed forces putting a artillery right bang in the middle of residential complex.

So both are to blame Russians and Ukrainens.

We bombed in iraq and Afghanistan to where both civilians and the bad guys use the same building.

I read a video description which had a NSFW warning (so I did not watch) but the description said Azov guy was actually crucifying (yes with nails) a suspected guy of helping the russians.
Pleases share these Russian propaganda videos so we may analysis them. The last i seen were were poorly staged and very badly acted.

I'm sure you would also like to highlight the Russian Nazis operating in and out of Moscow under the watchful eye of Putin See link.

Say hello to @user8963 for me. I dont know why but this song entered my head :D



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Maybe maybe not. I don’t have any idea who they are. There IS fighting in the streets of a city so I suspect it could be either side.
When you’re fighting in the streets of a city civilians are gonna get caught in the middle if they haven’t already got out. Sucks to be sure.

I find it odd some have chosen to blame Russia’s military invasion of another country on some band of supposed Nazis.