Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Ukraine loses 3 naval drones to a Russian Corvette intercepting them ...

I don't know what is going on over there right now, but I do hope they are whipping Putin's ass. However, we should not send one more damn dime to them! My God, the BILLIONS that we have sent...where tf is it? If 'Z' wants to maintain his army and weapons, he better start making all of those that 'inherited' from our generosity give it BACK to the National Defense fund. I have never doubted that Ukraine is corrupt....but I damn well know Putin is and what he is capable of.

View attachment 184188

The questions we should be asking at this point, does a Russian victory HELP or HURT the USA?

Money, WWII cost the USA a lot of money .. was the UK corrupt ? was France corrupt ? was parts of the UK empire corrupt ? was the Dutch corrupt ? French indo-china corrupt ?

By nearly most analysis, a Russian victory will prove that the USA does not have the stamina to continue in conflicts ( a paper eagle ), this combined with history from USA conflicts proves that opponents of America can win from hybrid warfare vs the USA. While our opponents can not win from an military economic point .. they can win from propaganda and informational warfare point.

How much does it cost the US and the EU to support Ukraine ? ( % of gdp is actually very low so far compared to prior conflicts and considering Russia as a peer rival )
How much will it cost the US to put troops back into Europe if Russia takes Ukraine ? ( hint, this is a big number )

Compare that to a Ukrainian victory .. a fully restored Ukraine, once back economically should be able to support it's own defense ..


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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How much does ammo cost .. ?
( note, also ammo has "expiration"/"best used by" dates .. and the USA is often supplying ammo that as a shorter shelf life to Ukraine and Israel and buying new ammo for USA )

Some ammo is way pricey it seems ..

This Quora page shows some posts that seem to give an good idea

How much does a mortar round cost?
Most unguided rounds cost about $2,000 per round. However, a new GPS guided precision round costs about $18,000 per round.

( $2k per round .. wondering if that includes projectile, powder, fuse .. )

What is the cost of an artillery round?
It would depend on two primary factors:

The caliber. The higher the caliber, the more expensive it’s going to be.
The shell type. The most basic shell would be a high explosive shell, but there are many other types of artillery shells: different types of anti-tank shells, illumination shells, smoke screen shells, high-precision guided shells, cluster shells (that burst in the air and disperse sub-munitions over the targeted area), rocket-boosted high-range shells, radio jamming shells, etc.
M795, a simple 155 mm HE shell costs about $400.

M982 Excalibur, a GPS guided shell costs over $60,000.

Besides the shell, there are more components to the cost of an artillery shot:

The fuse. It’s the component screwed on top of the shell, giving it the signal to explode (or to activate in some other way, if it’s a special shell). A simple contact fuse activates when the shell hits the target (or maybe a bit later, allowing the shell to penetrate deeper and explode later) is cheap. More sophisticated time fuses or proximity fuses allow the shell to explode in the air, and are more expensive.

Propelling charge. In calibers over ~122 mm, there are no unitary rounds, but rather the shell and the propelling charge are loaded separately. Often it’s possible to load a partial charge, rather than a full one. These are rather cheap.
Propelling charge for 155 mm NATO artillery, supplied in a string of fabric bags:


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Putin .. same old record as before .. interview was not revealing anything new .. how could it have been better

How to get Putin out on thin ice
Anders Puck Nielsen

Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin has started a discussion about what critical questions to the Russian president would actually look like. Many western journalists get this wrong, because their ideas about sensitive topics are very different from Putin's. He would be absolutely comfortable with questions about war crimes. To get Putin out on thin ice, you have to ask about things where there is something at stake for him.

0:00 Tucker Carlson's interview
0:36 Putin repeats himself
2:00 Tucker Carlson and Putin
2:58 What would a journalist have asked?
3:58 The problem with questions about war crimes
6:07 What are the tough questions to Putin?

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I've enjoyed this channel .. and here's the analysis of Putin's interview with Tucker ..
( it is useful to remember, that many journalist would be interested in interviewing Putin, and of all those .. Putin only wanted to be interviewed by Tucker .. )



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Inside Russia .. good news, youtube decided to OK his live stream from the interviews ..

8 hours ago (edited)

The live stream is back. I feel I was targeted when streaming live. There is a very good chance I’m on to something important in this stream otherwise why they’d go ten extra miles confusing YT to take it down?

The stream has been restored. The link to it is here



4 Hours long ..



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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"Putin .. attempting to rebuild the Russian Empire .. "

basically :
we are entitled to historic lands Russia use to control ..

" on the basis that a country is entitled to recapture lands that are populated by its former populations by its ethnic speakers who are being mistreated there .. if we operate on this basis we would never stop having wars .. how long do you want to keep this shit going ?" - Konstantin

"What Putin wants for America is decline .. "

LIVE: Putin Vs. Tucker Decoded

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Military Intelligence Expert Breaks Down Russian Mindset




IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Re Tucker Putin interview .. this seems to sum it up the best ..

"I have lived in Russia since 2017 and speak the language quite well. The interview was almost all things putin said beginning days before the 24th and ever since then, repeatedly. How was all of this new to the american public or media? It is information you could get from one speech two years ago"



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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If this is accurate, the Russian losses are crazy high ..



Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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If this is accurate, the Russian losses are crazy high ..

View attachment 186296
Its probably the same ratio of dead between them on front lines. Most of them are KIA due to cheap FPV drones. But in every metric including the cheap drones, long range drones, artillery the russians have more fire power.
Also the russian airforce is dropping 1000 pound gps guided bombs so there is no way the russian loses is higher then ukraine, since far behind the front lines the Ukraine forces are getting hammered.

Even if US increased their artillery production by this year end, its monthly shell production will be equal to 3 days worth of firing and it still won't match the Russian production capability which is more then all of Nato combined. Russians are also upgrading and are increasinly using laser guided shells and they also have one of the biggest arsonal of cluster bombs

The reason why russians have such a capability was that russia doctrine was for defense purpose and land focused. While the US and Nato was more focused on air power and US naval power.
Any aircraft that fly over 1000 feet in altitude is shot down from over 100 miles away by either S400 or Su35 armed with R37 missiles. So unless the F35 is involved, those F16s are no better then the mig29 that ukraine have.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Its probably the same ratio of dead between them on front lines. Most of them are KIA due to cheap FPV drones. But in every metric including the cheap drones, long range drones, artillery the russians have more fire power.
Also the russian airforce is dropping 1000 pound gps guided bombs so there is no way the russian loses is higher then ukraine, since far behind the front lines the Ukraine forces are getting hammered.

Even if US increased their artillery production by this year end, its monthly shell production will be equal to 3 days worth of firing and it still won't match the Russian production capability which is more then all of Nato combined. Russians are also upgrading and are increasinly using laser guided shells and they also have one of the biggest arsonal of cluster bombs

The reason why russians have such a capability was that russia doctrine was for defense purpose and land focused. While the US and Nato was more focused on air power and US naval power.
Any aircraft that fly over 1000 feet in altitude is shot down from over 100 miles away by either S400 or Su35 armed with R37 missiles. So unless the F35 is involved, those F16s are no better then the mig29 that ukraine have.
Its probably the same ratio of dead between them on front lines. Most of them are KIA due to cheap FPV drones. But in every metric including the cheap drones, long range drones, artillery the russians have more fire power.
Also the russian airforce is dropping 1000 pound gps guided bombs so there is no way the russian loses is higher then ukraine, since far behind the front lines the Ukraine forces are getting hammered.

Most reports show large losses from Ukraine also, still the reports of losses from the meat wave attacks on the Russian side are just insane imho