Unable to load firmware for device reset using TFTP


Aug 7, 2021
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Hello everyone,

I am in need of some help. As a lot of people may have done, I purchased an apparent never used but opened box HiLook by Hikvision camera from eBay. I have set cameras up before with ease and it was clearly obvious after connecting the camera to my network and using the SADP tool that the camera had already been set up, was active and had a password set. I immediately tried the default 12345 password, but this was the incorrect password. The seller also has no clue what the password was and I believe it was a customer return.
I have also un-bricked a camera before when one of my cameras went off the rails one day all on its own. I used the Hikvision TFTP server to successfully repair that camera.
So, my initial thought was, it’s ok if I do not know the password, I’ll just use the TFTP server to factory reset the camera and clear the password.
Cutting a long story short, I have tried many downloads of Hikvision TFTP servers, just in case any of them weren’t working, but they all come up with the same problem and they all either pause when having to resend the digicap.dav, or it becomes stuck on a loop resending and rebooting, but never successfully finishes its task. I have even tried turning off my firewall, all anti-virus software, even tried it on an old XP computer, but to no avail. I read on here somewhere that someone closed the TFTP server application at a certain point once the firmware had been loaded, so I did that and it seems to take about 5 minutes for the camera to boot up as it should when loading the firmware, but it still has it’s set password as is still set to active once it shows up in the SADP tool again.
I understand that there is another way to load the firmware using Scott Lamb’s TFTP server through Python on a Linux OS, but I have no clue what I’m even meant to do and I am unable to find step-by-step instructions on how to achieve this for someone like me who has no idea what they’re doing on a Linux based OS, never mind Python.
Please can someone help me? Your help will be very much appreciated.
My HiLook camera is - IPC-D140H-M20190309AAWRC98129470
V5.5.82build 190130
An example of what I mean –

[2021-08-07 11:11:33] TFTP server[] initialized
[2021-08-07 11:11:47] Device[] test tftpserver
[2021-08-07 11:11:47] Connect client[] success
[2021-08-07 11:11:47] Start file[C:\Users\Rick\Desktop\TFTP\digicap.dav] transmitting
[2021-08-07 11:11:50] Resend required
[2021-08-07 11:11:53] Resend required
[2021-08-07 11:11:55] Resend required
[2021-08-07 11:11:58] Resend required
[2021-08-07 11:11:58] Completed file[C:\Users\Rick\Desktop\TFTP\digicap.dav] transmit
[2021-08-07 11:16:46] TFTP server[] initialized
[2021-08-07 11:17:02] Device[] test tftpserver
[2021-08-07 11:17:02] Connect client[] success
[2021-08-07 11:17:02] Start file[C:\Users\Rick\Desktop\TFTP\digicap.dav] transmitting
[2021-08-07 11:17:05] Resend required
[2021-08-07 11:17:08] Resend required
[2021-08-07 11:17:11] Resend required


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
A couple of things :

'Resend required' is when a data block fails a CRC check, and requires to be sent again.
This suggests a poor network connection, corrupting the data.
Is the PC wired or WiFi?

With the file transmitted but no 'System update successful' it may be the wrong firmware for the camera.
Where did you download the firmware from?

Maybe try the firmware from here to see if it works correctly :


Pulling my weight
Nov 24, 2019
Reaction score
I've had this problem when using the Hikvision server also.

You could try the python TFTP program which might work which someone helpful will provide a link to if you can't find it.


Pulling my weight
Nov 24, 2019
Reaction score