Updating from V5.3.3 build 150630 on DS-2CD2142FWD-IS


Getting comfortable
Jul 11, 2014
I'd like to attempt updating the firmware on my Hik cameras. Have a couple that I can experiment with as I will likely replace them with better low light capable cameras in any event if I brick them.

Plus, would be nice to get off the vulnerable camera firmware before the hack becomes widely available, even if I am no longer port forwarding and behind a VPN. Still having some issues with that in any event.

Had a couple questions:

1. Is there a way to confirm my cameras are not "chinese" cameras? Pretty sure they were International, but I did buy them over AliExpress.

2. How do I know which file to update them with? Are there specific firmwares only applicable to specific cameras? E.g. only certain firmware that would be compatible with the 2142FWD?

3. Is this the guide to use? Hikvision FIRMWARE TOOLS - change language, extract files and create own firmware Seems to speak of "creating your own firmware" which I'm not sure I get?

4. My Hik 7616 is on V3.4.0 build 150929, should I also be updating that along with camera firmware?

What is the serial number of one of the cameras?

Somewhere on here is a post that shows the breakdown of the serial number and how to tell if it is Chinese or not.

I bought all mine from aliexpress, but the seller states they are upgradeable and they have been.

Yes the files are specific, NO that guide is for a more detailed process for something else :)

I also did my NVR as well


NVR model needed but, DOWNLOAD PORTAL
S/N of one of the cams is ... DS-2CD2142FWD-IS20150909BBWR541176085

NVR is a DS-7616NI-E2 / 8P
Is there a guide to updating firmware on the cameras? Or is it simply a matter of downloading the right file, then uploading it into the camera using the web interface for that specific cam...then praying. :)
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Yup ML = Multi Lanuage

I think that is the correct one.

Sorry, ML is the right one, or English? The NVR I AM concerned about bricking! :)
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Hmm...my NVR has an "RR" in the serial number, implying the region is "Other/Unspecified". Think I should still go with the EN version or ML?
Mine has RR and I used EN just checked
Perfect..everything went smoothly!
Think I should still go with the EN version or ML?
After the event, for future reference - the choice depends on whether you need only English menus, or another language that's only available in the ML Multi-Language firmware.

Recommendation on the newer NVR firmware:
Take a few minutes to create the Security Questions / Responses (and maybe also download the UUID file) that will give you the ability to self-service a forgotten NVR password that might be helpful in the future.
It's a good facility, well overdue.
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Thank alastair...that's excellent advice, nice to see that they implemented it! Assume this is on the NVR itself and can't be done via web interface?
From what I recall it can be done either way.
In the web GUI, check the 'Security Question' tab under User Management.
And check out the 'Forgot Password' link on the login screen - but maybe not take that to the end point ...
Hmm...don't seem to have the option in User Management. Maybe I'll check the NVR itself later.

IIRC I did it through iVMS4200 on my PC