Upgraded DS-2CD2532F-I to 5.4 without 5.3, how do I recover?


Jan 21, 2017
Reaction score

I flashed a US model DS-2CD2532F-I mini dome from 5.2 directly to 5.4 without going to 5.3 first. I downloaded the 5.4 firmware from Hikvision's Canadian website which doesn't have the warnings or even the 5.3 firmwares that the US or Europe sites have. Only learnt about the correct 5.2->5.3->5.4 path afterwards.

The camera appears to boot, but I cannot get into the web interface. The IP also defaults to instead of

I've attempted to use the TFTP tool to reload older firmwares with no luck. I can see the camera downloading the firmware but does not give the 'System update complete' message with any versions other than the 5.4. I assume this is the anti-rollback feature doing it's job.

I can connect to the UART port on the camera and can get both the recovery console as well as a shell when the camera boots normally but I am at a loss of what to do beyond that.

Any suggestions on what to try next?



Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
I can see the camera downloading the firmware but does not give the 'System update complete' message with any versions other than the 5.4. I assume this is the anti-rollback feature doing it's job.
Presumably you can watch the serial console whilst trying the 5.3.0 firmware via tftp and see what it's complaining about, especially if there is an 'unrollback' message.
Out of interest, check out the contents at the beginning of mtdblock1 with your PC running a normal tftp server (such as TFTPD32 : an opensource IPv6 ready TFTP server/service for windows : TFTP server) and HxD hex editor.
For example:
cd /tmp
cat /dev/mtd1 > mtd1_save
tftp -p -l mtd1_save PC_IP_address
To do this in reverse, if for example you have changed what may be the version reference (I have to admit I'm guessing a bit here as I haven't tried this myself but may do out of curiosity) from 04 05 to 03 05 you could do this:
cd /tmp
tftp -g -r mtd1_modded PC_IP_address
cat mtd1_modded > /dev/mtd1


Jan 21, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply.

I cannot nab the mtdblock since a lot of commands appear to be unavailable from the serial console. 'cd' and even 'ls' are met with 'Not Supported, Try 'help''. Not reassuring.

Here is the console output when I attempt a 5.3 firmware:
U-Boot 1.3.4-121219 (Apr  8 2015 - 14:34:29)

ARM Clock: 480MHz
DDR Clock: 336MHz
Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 2Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 1Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 0
[ INFO][MIN]FORMAT: Formatting Flash
[ INFO][MIN]FORMAT: .................................
[ INFO][MIN]FORMAT: Format Flash [OK]
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: TFTP from server
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: Filename: 'digicap.dav'
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ############################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: Download File [OK]
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: File size is 21615168 bytes (21108 KB)
[UPG][DEBUG_NOTICE][ext/sys_firm_version.c][firm_version_check][479]:####### iFirmVers=0x5030000, sys firm version check ok #######
[UPG][DEBUG_NOTICE][ext/sys_firm_version.c][firm_version_upgrade][626]:####### iFirmVers=0x5030000,iDevsVers=0x5040000,iBase=0x0,iMask=0xffff0000 #######
[UPG][RT_ERROR][ext/sys_firm_version.c][firm_version_upgrade][628]:[UPG_ASSERT] (unsigned int)(iFirmVers) >= (iDevsVers & pVerInfo->iMask) fail to eRetVal -1=0xffffffff!
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: digicap package error!!!

[ INFO][MIN]BURN: Write Flash [FAIL] error: write flash.
!!!!! UPDATE FAIL !!!!!

BusyBox v1.2.1 Protect Shell (psh)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.


Compare that to what I get for 5.4:
U-Boot 1.3.4-121219 (Apr  8 2015 - 14:34:29)

ARM Clock: 480MHz
DDR Clock: 336MHz
Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 2Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 1Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 0
[ INFO][MIN]FORMAT: Formatting Flash
[ INFO][MIN]FORMAT: ...................................
[ INFO][MIN]FORMAT: Format Flash [OK]
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: TFTP from server
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: Filename: 'digicap.dav'
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ################################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: ###################################################################
[ INFO][MIN]TFTP: Download File [OK]
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: File size is 22219640 bytes (21698 KB)
[UPG][DEBUG_NOTICE][ext/sys_firm_version.c][firm_version_check][479]:####### iFirmVers=0x5040000, sys firm version check ok #######
[UPG][DEBUG_NOTICE][ext/sys_firm_version.c][firm_version_upgrade][626]:####### iFirmVers=0x5040000,iDevsVers=0x5040000,iBase=0x0,iMask=0xffff0000 #######
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: Writing Flash
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: ..........................................................
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: Write Flash [OK]

BusyBox v1.2.1 Protect Shell (psh)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.

I'm going to guess that the iFirmVers register is what is doing the version checking.

And here is the boot log from when I attempt to start normally:
U-Boot 1.3.4-121219 (Apr  8 2015 - 14:34:29)

ARM Clock: 480MHz
DDR Clock: 336MHz
Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 2Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 1Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 0
|BIND err|
Unknown command:null
booting from pri part...
load kernel...
load ramdisk...
init started: BusyBox v1.19.3 (2016-05-23 16:23:55 CST)
starting pid 378, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'
Starting udev:      [ OK ]
UBI device number 1, total 192 LEBs (24772608 bytes, 23.6 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB)
waiting for /dev/ubi1_0.
pri_iUpgSuccCnt:0x1, sec_iUpgSuccCnt:0x1
UBI device number 3, total 32 LEBs (4128768 bytes, 3.9 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB)
waiting for /dev/ubi3_0.
Check dir /davinci ok! (0)
UBI device number 4, total 32 LEBs (4128768 bytes, 3.9 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB)
waiting for /dev/ubi4_0.
Check dir /config ok! (0)
diagnose_way = 15, repair_way = 1, interval = 30
route: ioctl 0x890c failed: No such process
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed: No such file or directory
map_size = 0x300000
nr_item = 3
addr_offset = 0x0 filename = orccode.bin
addr_offset = 0x200000 filename = orcme.bin
addr_offset = 0x2a0000 filename = default_binary.bin
mmap returns 0x4027e000
loading ./orccode.bin...addr = 0x4027e000, size = 0x1a0a91
loading ./orcme.bin...addr = 0x4047e000, size = 0x3a4fc
loading ./default_binary.bin...addr = 0x4051e000, size = 0x40000
u_code version = 2016/4/6 3.0
ln: /dev/rtc: File exists
=====check_config start=====
===db file doesn't exist===
===db file doesn't exist===
==== both config files are broken====
pppoed==>pppoed ret -1.
netprocess version[getaddrinfo security]: 1.6.1 [14:12:02-Apr  5 2016].
No need to recover kernel pri partition.
No need to recover ramdisk pri partition.
[01-22 15:23:55][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:23:55][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:23:55][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:23:55][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:23:56][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:23:56][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:23:56][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:23:56][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
infd read End
Unix bus   0 .
[01-22 15:23:57][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:23:57][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:23:57][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:23:57][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:23:58][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:23:58][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:23:58][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:23:58][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
IEfile uncompressed.
[01-22 15:23:59][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:23:59][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:23:59][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:23:59][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:00][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:24:00][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:00][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:00][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:01][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:24:01][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:01][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:01][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:02][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:24:02][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:02][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:02][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:03][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:24:03][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:03][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:03][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:04][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:24:04][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:04][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:04][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:05][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:05][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:05][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:05][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[01-22 15:24:06][pid:838][STRM_ANLS][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[01-22 15:24:06][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[01-22 15:24:06][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[01-22 15:24:06][pid:834][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
Unix bus  End
insmod: can't insert 'uart232.ko': File exists
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]db /davinci/ipc_db does not exist
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]db /config/ipc_db_backup does not exist
powerLineFrequencyMode = 1
@@@motion NTSC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]stream request out range 3(2)
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: db_version
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: sec_lock_auth_db_info
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]db_query_open_v2 error: 1
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: netconfig_table
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: wep_encrypt_info
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR] db_query_open_v2 err
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: wep_key_list
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR] db_query_open_v2 err
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: ipaddr_list
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR] db_query_open_v2 err
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: local_port_list
[01-22 15:24:07][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR] db_query_open_v2 err
sqlite3_get_table:1, no such table: pppoe_config_info
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

starting pid 866, tty '': '-/bin/psh'
BusyBox v1.2.1-171136 Protect Shell (psh)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.

# davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

===maxEnchan: 1
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

[01-22 15:24:14][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]can not open file /config/ipc_db_backup
[01-22 15:24:14][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]ipc_db_backup need backup.
<init_run>3823:p_devcfg->ccdPara[1].capture_mode [18]
<MEGA_DSP>Platform Value:
<MEGA_DSP>Main mux type [0x4].
<MEGA_DSP>Sub    mux type [0x4].
<MEGA_DSP>Thi  mux type [0x2].
<MEGA_DSP>audio enc type[0x2].
<MEGA_DSP>voicetalk type[0x2].
<MEGA_DSP>Need PS SysHdr[0].
[01-22 15:24:14][pid:855][SYSINIT][ERROR]device not support RS485
[01-22 15:24:14][pid:855][HW_IF][ERROR]transfer_485_config_options error [options:57]
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

<DSP> DBG:init_dsp_lib() begin
<DSP> DBG:init_dsp_lib() end
[01-22 15:24:20][pid:855][DSP][ERROR][2]g_pdsp->audioTBShare.frameLen=80, g_pdsp->audioTBShare.totalFrame=128..
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

mknod: /dev/snd/controlC0: File exists
mknod: /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c: File exists
mknod: /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p: File exists
[01-22 15:24:20][pid:855][HW_IF][ERROR]<read_fixed_noise_info_from_flash> (CFG_MAGIC != read.magicNumber(ffffffff)
<DSP> DBG:setup_dsp() begin
<DSP> DBG:init_cmem_module:cached_size=33030144(31M),noncached_size=6815744(6M)
init_cmem_module:CMEM_cmdline=insmod /dav/cmemk.ko phys_start=0xc6600000 phys_end=0xc8c00000 pools=1x33030144,1x6815744

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

gdma Init Successful
channel 1 is not 1 or 2<DSP> DBG:DSP start with Vout:Disabled,Audio:Disabled,VT:Disabled,MD:Enabled, vsync_guard:Enabled,vout_osd: Disabled, oversampling:Disabled, roi: Enabled, primacy: Disabled . hdr mode Disabled qr Disabled
<DSP> DBG:dsp_object.device_mode 0
<DSP> DBG:enc channel cnt 2, delay mode 0
Use CMEM buffer!
goto_idle done
pDspInitPara->VideoInitParam.capture_mode 125967390(width = 1920, height = 1080, fps = 30, interlace = 0)
device_type: 20, vitype: 21, fps: 30.000000
find_video_mode sucusss!! mode 125967390 p_mode_table[i].vin_mode 30 vin_object.vin_fps 30.000000 vin w 1920 h 1080
set mode 30 type 21
vin_mode 2304*1296 vin_mode_temp 2304*1296 vin_mode_temp2 2304*1296enc_chan_cnt=2
vin_object.vi_param chan = 1, fps/resolution/width/height = 30/4123/1920/1080
vin_object.vi_param chan = 2, fps/resolution/width/height = 30/4097/352/240
#######pDspInitPara vout enable 0
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl: Begin chan=0,maxRate(maxFps)=30.000000,fps=0x1
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl: f_frame_rate=1.000000,clockStep=45000
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl:Finally chan=0,fps=0x1,fpsFlg=0x1,frmPerSec=1,fpsCounter=0,fpsCycle=30,g_md_interval 5 ms
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl: Begin chan=1,maxRate(maxFps)=30.000000,fps=0x1e
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl: f_frame_rate=30.000000,clockStep=1500
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl:f_frame_rate=30.000000,[30].clockStep=1500,[30]
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl:Finally chan=1,fps=0x1e,fpsFlg=0x3fffffff,frmPerSec=30,fpsCounter=0,fpsCycle=30,g_md_interval 5 ms
<VidThrd> DBG:update_video_config_param: chan=1,encode_type=1,        (1920x1080), mirror type0, I inerval 50, bps 4014,quality 60 i_quant 29,        complexity 1 rate_type 0,p_encode_param->f_frame_rate 30.000000,svc mode 0 qp 6
<chan 1> in None MotionJPEG, skip!
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl: Begin chan=2,maxRate(maxFps)=30.000000,fps=0x1e
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl: f_frame_rate=30.000000,clockStep=1500
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl:f_frame_rate=30.000000,[30].clockStep=1500,[30]
<VidThrd> DBG:update_encode_fps_ctrl:Finally chan=2,fps=0x1e,fpsFlg=0x3fffffff,frmPerSec=30,fpsCounter=0,fpsCycle=30,g_md_interval 5 ms
<VidThrd> DBG:update_video_config_param: chan=2,encode_type=1,        (352x240), mirror type0, I inerval 50, bps 501,quality 60 i_quant 29,        complexity 1 rate_type 0,p_encode_param->f_frame_rate 30.000000,svc mode 0 qp 6
<chan 2> in None MotionJPEG, skip!

overlay: start = 0x43c8d000, total size = 0x100000 ( bytes)
b_rotate 0 overlay_level64 width 1920 height 1072
osd_width 1280 osd_scale_first 64 total 81920
b_rotate 0 overlay_level16 width 352 height 240
osd_width 256 osd_scale_first 16 sub total 4096
init osd area success
init osd memory ok
<OSD> DBG:Left=0 pChar->pos=4000000
<SetOsd()> line=0 y=64 line_char_count=16, valid char count 24,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=1 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=2 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=3 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=4 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=5 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=6 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=7 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
chan 1, osd size 0 osd_size_changed 1
chan 2, osd size 0 osd_size_changed 1
b_rotate 0 overlay_level16 width 1920 height 1072
osd_width 1280 osd_scale_first 16 total 20480
b_rotate 0 overlay_level16 width 352 height 240
osd_width 256 osd_scale_first 16 sub total 4096
init osd area success
<OSD> DBG:setosd ok
<OSD> DBG:setosd:END. chan=0,flgOsd=0x1, bStart=1
<OSD> DBG:Left=0 pChar->pos=4000000
<SetOsd()> line=0 y=64 line_char_count=16, valid char count 24,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=1 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=2 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=3 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=4 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=5 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=6 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=7 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
chan 1, osd size 0 osd_size_changed 0
chan 2, osd size 0 osd_size_changed 0
<OSD> DBG:setosd ok
<OSD> DBG:setosd:END. chan=1,flgOsd=0x3, bStart=1
<OSD> DBG:Left=0 pChar->pos=4000000
<SetOsd()> line=0 y=64 line_char_count=16, valid char count 24,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=1 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=2 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=3 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=4 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=5 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=6 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=7 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
chan 1, osd size 0 osd_size_changed 0
chan 2, osd size 0 osd_size_changed 0
<OSD> DBG:setosd ok
<OSD> DBG:setosd:END. chan=2,flgOsd=0x7, bStart=1
init osd success
<VidThrd> DBG:setup_video_input begin
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

<VidThrd> DBG:set framerate 30.000000
<VidThrd> DBG:set framerate 17066667
<VidThrd> DBG:init_vin done
sink 2 is DBus-LCD
sink_type 1, chan 1, sink_info type 2 sink_info.source_id 1
sink 1 is DBus-All
sink_type 1, chan 1, sink_info type 2 sink_info.source_id 0
sink 0 is CVBS
sink_type 1, chan 1, sink_info type 1 sink_info.source_id 1
sinkid 0
<config_vout_flip> rotate_type 0
<DspThrd> DBG:#######vout enable 0
sink 2 is DBus-LCD
sink_type 2, chan 0, sink_info type 2 sink_info.source_id 1
sink 1 is DBus-All
sink_type 2, chan 0, sink_info type 2 sink_info.source_id 0
sink 0 is CVBS
sink_type 2, chan 0, sink_info type 1 sink_info.source_id 1
sinkid 1
<config_vout_flip> rotate_type 0
<DspThrd> DBG:#######vout enable 1
init_vout0 done
bsb_mem = 0x43f11000, size = 0x400000
<VidThrd> DBG:Stream [0] change frame rate 1/30
h264 main profile !
<VidThrd> DBG:Stream [1] change frame rate 30/30
h264 main profile !
<VidThrd> DBG:Stream [2] change frame rate 30/30
<VidThrd> DBG:enable_preview done
audio_sample_per_second 48000
<ISP> sensor_id:4
 shm addr = 0x40764000  0
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

[01-22 15:24:24][pid:855][HW_IF][ERROR]<read_dpi_from_flash> (CFG_MAGIC != read.magicNumber(ffffffff)
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:idx=0, pInfo->vAddr=0x4144e000
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:idx=1, pInfo->vAddr=0x4164e000
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:idx=2, pInfo->vAddr=0x4184e000
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:idx=0, pInfo->vAddr=0x41a4e000
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:idx=1, pInfo->vAddr=0x41c4e000
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:idx=2, pInfo->vAddr=0x41e4e000
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:Alloc ps_pack_output_buf at 0x0x43591000, len=1576960 OK
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:Alloc ps_pack_output_buf at 0x0x43712000, len=1576960 OK
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:Alloc ts_pack_output_buf at 0x0x43712000, len=1576960 OK
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:Alloc ts_pack_output_buf at 0x0x43893000, len=12288 OK
setup pCtrl->extParam 0x8 1920x1080
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:chan=1, packId=0, packType=4
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:setRtpMuxInfo: video payload = 96, audio payload = 98<STREAM_PACK> DBG:chan=1, packId=1, packType=4
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:setRtpMuxInfo: video payload = 96, audio payload = 98<STREAM_PACK> DBG:chan=1, packId=2, packType=16
setup pCtrl->extParam 0x8 352x240
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:chan=2, packId=0, packType=4
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:setRtpMuxInfo: video payload = 96, audio payload = 98<STREAM_PACK> DBG:chan=2, packId=1, packType=32
<STREAM_PACK> DBG:chan=2, packId=2, packType=16
<ME_SHARE> DBG:alloc me data buffer dad210
<ME_SHARE> DBG:alloc sub me data buffer dad224
<ME_SHARE> DBG:alloc me data buffer dad210
<ME_SHARE> DBG:alloc sub me data buffer dad224
<ME_SHARE> DBG:start setup_red_detect !!!!!
<ME_SHARE> ERR:Red mem_tab[0]:size=408196 base=4c102008
<ME_SHARE> DBG:setup_red_detect  ok!!!!
<SMD Thrd> DBG:smd_pack =4d2e3080
<SMD Thrd> DBG:size =1a474c
<SMD Thrd> DBG:setup_smd  ok!!!!
<SCD Thrd> DBG:size =385088
<SCD Thrd> DBG:setup_scd  ok!!!!
<FD Thrd> DBG:size =3682272
<FD Thrd> DBG:setup_face_detect  ok!!!!
<MD Thrd> DBG:mtd_param.width 320 height 240
<MD Thrd> DBG:set up mtd process done!
<DSP> DBG:bitstream reader thread created
<DSP> DBG:text_osd thread created
<DSP> DBG:me data read thread created
<DSP> DBG:motion thread created
<DSP> DBG:vsync_guard thread created
<DSP> DBG:vsync_guard thread created
<DSP> DBG:raptor_statistics thread created
setup_dsp() success.
start!!!!!! HostSetAesSecretKey  !!!!!!!!
<CMD> ERR:(HostSetAesSecretKey not Enable!)
[01-22 15:24:24][pid:855][DSP][ERROR]Initial: the permanent code is disable.
<OSD> DBG:get into text_osd_thread
<STATISTIC> DBG:get into raptor_statistics function
get into reading _thread function
<ME_SHARE> DBG:get into me_data_read_thread
<YUV_SHARE> DBG:get into yuv_data_read_thread
Connection established with kernel.
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

[PSWD][0062]:public_base64_len 188  len 140
<OSD> DBG:config_osd:chan=1,flgOsd=0x7, bStart=1
<OSD> DBG:start_osd:chan=1,flgOsd=0x7
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param

[01-22 15:24:26][pid:838][UNI_IF][ERROR]

 ===Davinci  Init Finish...
S: cmd_get_enable_list

S: cmd_check_capa_support  ,ack -1

[01-22 15:24:28][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]del_gateway ioctl error and errno=3
--------------usrapp:maxEnChanNo = 1 ----------------
[01-22 15:24:30][pid:855][SYSLOG][ERROR]no main log. system log will not work.
[01-22 15:24:30][pid:855][SD][ERROR]do not support
<OSD> DBG:config_osd:chan=1,flgOsd=0x7, bStart=1
<OSD> DBG:start_osd:chan=1,flgOsd=0x7
mode 125967390
update_cap_mode the same mode 125967390
<CMD> DBG:<HostSetViparam()> p_param->fps=0x1e
cur 0  set 0
Suspend me capture cost 0 ms
Suspend osd process  cost 0 ms
Suspend bs_reader cost 0 ms
Suspend audio cost 0 ms
Suspend total cost 0 ms
Suspend talkback cost 0 ms
<VidThrd> DBG:get into config video encode
<VidThrd> DBG:exit config video encode
resume_all_threads ok
<CMD> DBG:HostSetVoStandard: chan=1,voStd=1
<CMD> DBG:set_encoder_param: same param. chan=1
<CMD> DBG:HostSetEncoderParam: p_param->resolution=0x101b
Suspend me capture cost 0 ms
Suspend osd process  cost 0 ms
Suspend bs_reader cost 0 ms
Suspend audio cost 0 ms
Suspend total cost 0 ms
Suspend talkback cost 0 ms
<VidThrd> DBG:get into config video encode
<VidThrd> DBG:exit config video encode
resume_all_threads ok
<OSD> DBG:config_osd:chan=1,flgOsd=0x7, bStart=1
<OSD> DBG:start_osd:chan=1,flgOsd=0x7
<CMD> DBG:HostSetEncoderParam: p_param->resolution=0x1001
Suspend me capture cost 0 ms
Suspend osd process  cost 0 ms
Suspend bs_reader cost 0 ms
Suspend audio cost 0 ms
Suspend total cost 0 ms
Suspend talkback cost 0 ms
<VidThrd> DBG:get into config video encode
<VidThrd> DBG:exit config video encode
resume_all_threads ok
streamRecord[1]: start...
appweb: 1: MPR services are ready
<CMD> DBG:start_encode: chan=1, b_send_file_header=1
[01-22 15:24:34][pid:855][ALARM_EXP][ERROR]hwif_setalarmout err.
get into start encode,chan 1,stream_id1
<OSD> DBG:Left=32 pChar->pos=2008000
<SetOsd()> line=0 y=32 line_char_count=17, valid char count 25,osd_lines 1
<OSD> DBG:Left=512 pChar->pos=1a080000
<SetOsd()> line=1 y=416 line_char_count=41, valid char count 9,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=2 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=3 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=4 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=5 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=6 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
<SetOsd()> line=7 y=0 line_char_count=0, valid char count 0,osd_lines 1
chan 1, osd size 255 osd_size_changed 1
##########width 1920, height 1080
chan 2, osd size 255 osd_size_changed 1
##########width 352, height 240
b_rotate 0 overlay_level64 width 1920 height 1072
osd_width 1280 osd_scale_first 64 total 81920
b_rotate 0 overlay_level16 width 352 height 240
osd_width 256 osd_scale_first 16 sub total 4096
init osd area success
<OSD> DBG:setosd ok
<OSD> DBG:setosd:END. chan=1,flgOsd=0x7, bStart=1
<OSD> ERR:main me data capture wrong!, me_width = 0, me_height = 0, me_buffer_idx = 0, me_state(0/0/0/0)
<streamPackRTP_STDH264()> send stream[1] header
<streamPackRTP_STDH264()> send stream[1] header
<VidThrd> DBG:Start encoding for stream 0x1 successfully
<CMD> DBG:start_encode: chan =1 start OK, flgEnc=0x2
<MD Thrd> DBG:stop_motion_detection
video_roi[chan].regionCnt 0
video_roi[chan].regionCnt 0
chan 2 is not encode or stream is not h264 encode
video_roi[chan].regionCnt 0
chan 3 is not encode or stream is not h264 encode
stop bStartSmd 0
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]in pDevCfgParam max packetlen = 1440
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]packetlen = 1440
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]g_metadata_mem[1].base = 1c0aef8
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]g_metadata_mem[1].totalsize = 92160
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]g_metadata_mem[1].ridx = 0
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]g_metadata_mem[1].widx = 0
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]g_metadata_mem[1].packetlen = 1440
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PREVIEW][ERROR]g_metadata_mem[1].peer_packetlen = 1440
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 3 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 4 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 5 ,error!
<CMD> DBG:HostSetEncoderParam: p_param->resolution=0x1001
<CMD> DBG:set_encoder_param: same param. chan=2
<CMD> DBG:start_encode: chan=2, b_send_file_header=1
get into start encode,chan 2,stream_id4
<VidThrd> DBG:######stream_id 4,i 0
<VidThrd> DBG:######stream_id 4,i 1
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 6 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 7 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 8 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 9 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 10 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 11 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 12 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 13 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 14 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 15 ,error!
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][UNI_IF][ERROR]encode_chan = 16 ,error!
<VidThrd> DBG:Start encoding for stream 0x2 successfully
<CMD> DBG:start_encode: chan =2 start OK, flgEnc=0x4
<CMD> DBG:HostSetMirrorType:chan=1,mirror_type=0
<CMD> DBG:set_mirror_type:(mirror_type == pDspInitPara->mirror_type)
<streamPackRTP_STDH264()> send stream[2] header
<streamPackRTP_STDH264()> send stream[2] header
change_blc = 82
change_blc = 82
<CMD> DBG:HostSetMirrorType:chan=1,mirror_type=0
<CMD> DBG:set_mirror_type:(mirror_type == pDspInitPara->mirror_type)
maxEnChanNo=1 is_support_mpeg4=1
[01-22 15:24:35][pid:855][PTZ][ERROR]fread erro 2242
[01-22 15:24:36][pid:855][SYSINIT][ERROR]all player header have got success!
Stop encoding for stream 0x2
<VidThrd> ERR:## stream_id 2 stream end 1 OverFlow ## pic_size=16777215 > ENCODE_TO_PACK_MEM_BLK_SZ=1572864
Stop encoding for stream 0x2 successed
<CMD> DBG:stop_encode: chan =2 start OK, flgEnc=0x0
[01-22 15:24:36][pid:855][ONVIF][ERROR]ptz not support
[01-22 15:24:36][pid:855][ONVIF][ERROR]mcast_setloop_ex
appweb: 1: Starting host named: "::"
appweb: 1: Starting host named: "httpsHost"
[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][OTHER][ERROR]select err.
[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][ARP][ERROR]Error on ARPING request error=4
[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][SADP][ERROR]get_capture_packet failed, caplen=-1
[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][ALARM_EXP][ERROR]semWait return error, errorno:4
[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][ALARM_EXP][ERROR]semWait return error, errorno:4
[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][ALARM_EXP][ERROR]semWait return error, errorno:4
error: IAV_IOC_IMG_GET_STATISTICS error[01-22 15:24:38][pid:855][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]select errno 4  ret -1
[01-22 15:24:39][pid:855][ARP][ERROR]Error on ARPING request error=4
[01-22 15:24:39][pid:855][SADP][ERROR]get_capture_packet failed, caplen=-1
error: IAV_IOC_IMG_GET_STATISTICS error[01-22 15:24:39][pid:855][STRM_ANLS][ERROR]select errno 4  ret -1
appweb: 1: appwebTask: mprStartEventsThread Success.....

On a side note, I used a Raspberry Pi to interface with the UART port. Works very well.


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
get both the recovery console as well as a shell when the camera boots normally
I'm sorry - I completely misunderstood what you said there - I interpreted 'shell' as a normal 'sh' instead the deliberately brain-damaged 'psh' restricted shell.
I think you are right that the 5.3.0 'downgrade' is being blocked by the anti-rollback feature.

So a couple of questions:
What does SADP show for the camera status now?
I presume the camera is left with the apparently successful (but no web access) update with the 5.4.0 from the CA website.
I have no idea if that firmware is different from the 5.4.0 on the EU website, but that may be worth a try if you haven't already: DOWNLOAD PORTAL

On the lack of web access - this would be expected if the camera is in the 'min-system recovery mode' which would show as firmware 4.0.8 in SADP.
That mode is a minimal system with no web services.
I think what usually happens with web access after a wrong region firmware update is is a complaint about 'firmware mismatch' or 'language mismatch'.
Do you just get a timeout with browser access at the IP address as seen by SADP?


Jan 21, 2017
Reaction score
Sorry, yes, the psh 'shell'.

The 5.4 firmware from the Euro site is the same as I downloaded from the Canadian site, matched MD5.

So I installed SADP (wasn't using it before), it found the camera sitting at as security inactive. I tried setting the DHCP, and it worked.
Tried the web interface... and sure enough, it opens.

No clue what happened, I've tried numerous things, including re-flashing the camera with 5.4 likely a dozen times.

I thank you for your effort so far, and I will start testing to see if anything is fubar.
