Upgraded to V5. Daily scheduled picture is no longer being emailed


Getting the hang of it
Sep 26, 2015
Hey guys;

I recently upgraded to V5 which I love, however I'm no longer receiving a daily email that I have scheduled.

I have a daily scheduled trigger, which generates an alert to send an email with a picture attached. I can't seem to figure out what's wrong or how to diagnose the issue.

Has anyone else had a similar issue?
Hey guys;

I recently upgraded to V5 which I love, however I'm no longer receiving a daily email that I have scheduled.

I have a daily scheduled trigger, which generates an alert to send an email with a picture attached. I can't seem to figure out what's wrong or how to diagnose the issue.

Has anyone else had a similar issue?
Specifically, what is the version number stated on "settings" ==>> "about" ?
I'm running

I just checked again and noticed that the active profiles for the schedule and for the alert weren't selected properly, however I thought I had fixed that previously. I selected them all for now and will see if it works tomorrow am when the scheduled trigger goes off.
So, if I right click on the camera and go into the option to "Trigger Now", the email and picture get sent. So it seems like the scheduled event is not firing the trigger properly.
Alright, so I added a new scheduled event and it worked. So it must be something to do with existing scheduled events which were brought over from the V4 configuration.
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So the saga continues....

I deleted the old event which didn't work and altered the time of the new event which worked to the time I wanted. The result of this, was that the event never fired....

So I then, added a new event (total of 2 now) and it didn't trigger either.

I then added a 3rd event and it worked.

So hopefully it fires again tomorrow.

Considering all of this, I started to look in the registry to see what's stored for the camera schedules and events. I wasn't able to find where the data is stored. Does anyone know where to look for this data?
Considering all of this, I started to look in the registry to see what's stored for the camera schedules and events. I wasn't able to find where the data is stored. Does anyone know where to look for this data?

You'll find it here...
HKLM\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Cameras\{cam_long_name}\PTZ\events
But you will not find it straightforward to inspect as it's a REG_BINARY type.

BTW, there is a neat tool called RegistryChangesView that you can use to locate where Blue Iris makes it changes to the registry:

The workflow is basically...
1. Run RegistryChangesView and take a snapshot of the registry hive(s) you're insterested in ... for Blue Iris, it's only HKLM/Software.
2. Make your change in Blue Iris
3. Return to RegistryChangesView and run a compare
4. Inspect the results

RCV_1.png RCV_2.png RCV_3.png RCV_4.png
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