US Elections (& Politics) :)

Sick sick sick, I just SHIT

I don't even understand how this is legal. Yes, Embassy and Consulate land, I understand. But how ITF is our Government allowing this? I don't get it. Any land purchase by a foreign entity should be EXTREMELY SCRUTINIZED! Communist owned firms should NOT be allowed to buy our land!

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From February 2022, this preacher is spreading red pills.

"Our nation is gone mad. I hope y’all like y’all’s new president, because in a year’s time he’s screwed the whole nation up."
-Dr. Cedric Oliver @ Embassies of Christ Church in Gary, Indiana

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From February 2022, this preacher is spreading red pills.

"Our nation is gone mad. I hope y’all like y’all’s new president, because in a year’s time he’s screwed the whole nation up."
-Dr. Cedric Oliver @ Embassies of Christ Church in Gary, Indiana

Yep imagine what he can do in 3 years from now
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This isn't even proper protocol...but it pales in comparison to Brandon's policies and executive orders that have sabotaged our economy and threatened our security and welfare ==>> Joe Biden Bypasses DeSantis, Calls Local Mayors About Hurricane Ian

FBIden contacted Tampa Mayor Jane Castor and St. Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch, both Democrats....I guess that means he could care less about the red parts of the state.
Biden has been a crook and an asshole for so long now he flaunts it....wears it like a badge of honor. IMO, he has betrayed his country and deserves a badge of shame. I wouldn't extend my hand to shake his if offered and I sure wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He's a prick. :mad:

Sept 28, 2022

Pray without Ceasing

Dear Patriots,

As we watch Hurricane Ian approaching Florida we ask for your prayers for all those in its path, all the way up the southeastern coast.


1- While it is nice to see these cheaters called out in this lawsuit, we doubt this will have much impact on the practice of outside money influencing elections.

The Star News Network

Mark Zuckerberg, Wife Sued over Alleged 2020 Election Funding Fraud

QUOTE: The Center for Renewing America (CRA) hit Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg, his wife, and three voting rights groups with legal complaints over an alleged effort by which they improperly channeled roughly $500 million in a bid to influence the 2020 presidential election.

CRA alleges, according to Fox Business, that the Zuckerbergs sent the money to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), and National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI), which in turn moved the money to Democrat leaning areas aiming to move competitive states into President Joe Biden's column. Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe was reportedly Zuckerberg's point man on the effort.

The conservative think tank told the outlet "t is beyond disgraceful to imagine federal taxpayers subsidizing the partisan preferences of billionaires who easily could have given to a Democrat super PAC in 2020."

CRA has asked the IRS to terminate the tax exempt status of CTCL, CEIR, and NVAHI as well as to deny any income tax deductions the Zuckerbergs made for their contributions to them.


2- Every day there is another story like this; people who assured us the injection was safe, are now, quietly, changing their mind.

Dr. Robert Malone on Substack

Dr. Aseem Malhotra promoted Covid-19 vaccine on TV, now says stop

QUOTE: The Journal of Insulin Resistance has published In a two-part research paper entitled " Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine,"

This was written by one of UK's most eminent Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on @Good Morning Britain. Dr. Malhotra now says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of adverse events have changed and now "there is a strong scientific, ethical, and moral case to be made that COVID-19 vaccines rollout must stop immediately until raw data has been released for fully independent scrutiny."

Furthermore, real-world data reveals that in the non-elderly population, the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one death from Covid-19 runs into thousands and that re-analysis of randomized controlled trial data from the initial vaccine clinical trials suggests a greater risk of suffering a serious adverse event from the vaccine than to be hospitalized with Covid-19.


3- Every day, there is proof of devastating effects of the injection everyone told us was safe. There is evidence, being hidden, that the mRNA is passed to breastfeeding infants by their unsuspecting mothers.

Techno Fog at Substack

COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA now found in breastmilk

QUOTE: A small but groundbreaking study has been released at the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics, demonstrating that trace amounts of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA were found in the breastmilk of lactating women as soon as one hour after vaccination.

This study was conducted from February to October 2020 (more on that in a moment), and included only 11 lactating women, 5 of whom received the Moderna vaccine and 6 of whom received the Pfizer vaccine. The comparison was made between their pre-vaccine breastmilk (the control) and post-vaccine breastmilk.

The results? The breastmilk of 5 out of 11 women tested had detectable COVID-19 vaccine mRNA in their breastmilk. For those keeping score, that is 45% - nearly half - of the study group.

The mRNA was detected in breastmilk as early as 1 hour after vaccination, and as late as 45 hours after vaccination.

Despite the lack of evidence demonstrating safety, the authors conclude: "The sporadic presence and trace quantities of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA detected in EBM suggest that breastfeeding after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is safe, particularly beyond 48 hours after vaccination."


4- The IRS went after every single Tea Party organization with a vengeance, but, if you are a leftist "charity" they can not be bothered to do their jobs.

Washington Examiner

Fake charities are spending millions to help Democrats win elections

QUOTE: It's no secret that government agencies give the Left more of a leash than the Right. Headline-grabbing stories over the past few years have exposed the overt political biases of agencies such as the FBI and the Justice Department.

But underreported is a much larger story of the same ideological malfeasance in the nonprofit sector, a topic less sexy than corruption in the intelligence agencies, but arguably more important due to the growth of political activism via charities.

In fact, what the IRS isn't doing in the nonprofit (or "public charity") sector will affect the midterm elections far more than any FBI raid ever could.

A big part of the IRS's job is the oversight of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that are awarded tax-exempt status because of the beneficial work they do. There are many different rules that 501(c)(3) nonprofit groups must follow to maintain their favored status, but the most important is that 501(c)(3)s are forbidden to engage in partisan electioneering, or efforts to aid political candidates and affect the results of elections, in any way.

Either the IRS must use a few of its 87,000 new agents to enforce the rules equally, or nonprofit organizations should be barred from conducting voter registration work altogether.


5- Crime in America is escalating and seemingly out of control. One must wonder, when reading this story about a San Francisco businessman, who he has been voting for and giving money to for the past decade.

Red State

Real Estate CEO in Major Democrat City Says He Can't Convince Clients to Buy Due to Unmitigated Crime

QUOTE: Democrat Cities are notorious for having some of the worst living conditions in the United States despite all their talk about their policies giving people a better life. One city, in particular, stands out as one of the best examples of how much worse a city can get under full leftist control.

As RedState has been covering over the course of years, San Francisco was once a crown jewel of California but is now a drug-infested, crime-ridden, tax-plagued example of how not to run a city. It's a city with its own "poop map," so needed because the homeless in the city defecate in the wide-open wherever they feel like it.
According to Fox Business, the CEO of a real estate company says that he's at a point where convincing potential clients to move to or buy property in San Francisco is becoming very difficult. So much so that he wrote a letter to the city after he, himself, was robbed in front of his own home in broad daylight at gunpoint.
San Francisco was one of the cities that enthusiastically defunded its police force after the Democrat Party went through their "defund the police" trend. Of course, it wasn't long before they were begging for their PD's funding to be reinstated due to skyrocketing crime.


Pray for the people who have been injured by the Covid-CCP injections.
Pray that those breaking laws will be stopped.
Pray for safety and speedy recover for those hit by the hurricane.


Oops: In Monday's Newsletter we described how we link our articles. We described a RED LINK for each source... Those of you who receive the newsletter via Substack don't see a RED LINK because Substack does not allow color text. Each Source IS linked to the Source. Each article title is linked to our website. .... There is no RED LINK with Substack. ...

Read. Pray. Know. Share.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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To have confidence in the outcome of any election, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
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NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
October has come early, I see.
True, but I have learned to play the PUT calls and have done good this time around. So my losses are very low if at all. The market still has a ways to go down. Remember the Fed rates take about 12 to 18 months to have their effect so you better grab Toto.

I feel sorry to all the people that said we are not in a recession. This winter will be a financial bust with layoffs, increased utility bills, monthly rents, gas prices ( once they switch to the winter blend) , shrinkflation and the crashing auto loan markets with increased repos. Thanks Joe..
Really like this guy's logic. Putin already won...he stopped the West and NATO and left Ukraine in ruins...we need to start thinking outside the box...

"....the CEO of a real estate company says that he’s at a point where convincing potential clients to move to or buy property in San Francisco is becoming very difficult. So much so that he wrote a letter to the city after he, himself, was robbed in front of his own home in broad daylight at gunpoint...."

"San Francisco was one of the cities that enthusiastically defunded its police force after the Democrat Party went through their “defund the police” trend. Of course, it wasn’t long before they were begging for their PD’s funding to be reinstated due to skyrocketing crime."


"Of course, San Francisco is just one of the California cities that went from beauty to beast. Its Democrat leadership in its major California cities are generally slaves to the latest radical trends and, as such, adopt economy-destroying and crime-increasing policies masked as compassionate governing with loads of virtue signaling.
This has caused a massive exodus of California residents to states like Texas. It doesn’t help that major companies are also abandoning the state, taking even more residents with them. When asked directly about why this is happening, California Governor Gavin Newsom attempted to blame it on Trump’s policies, but this is clearly a lie."

Bottom line:
You asked for it, Dimms. You've made your lie in it. Accept the blame and either do something about it or shut up. :mad:
FACT: Biden thanked other conference organizers, then asked: "Jackie are you here? Where's Jackie?"

WH EXPLANATION: Biden was “acknowledging her incredible work,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

TONYR's EXPLANATION: One too many ice cream cones has given Brandon permanent brain freeze.
FACT: Biden thanked other conference organizers, then asked: "Jackie are you here? Where's Jackie?"

WH EXPLANATION: Biden was “acknowledging her incredible work,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

TONYR's EXPLANATION: One too many ice cream cones has given Brandon permanent brain freeze.