US Elections (& Politics) :)

The insanity of this truth…
View attachment 141477

And you know the deep state knows the money path. And they've known it since before the election. Paying papa's bills.

And for four years the TDS'ers yelled "he's gunna start WWIII !!!". Are their eyes shut to what is happening now? Obviously. They are all on board flying Ukraine flags.
Durham is simply running out the clock for the swamp, waiting to retire and get a nice fat 6 figure salary as a talking head on MSNBC. Notice no Republicans seem to be in a hurry to hear from him and no Democrats seem to be worried about it? Like Mueller, he's simply a cleanup guy for the deep state to give the plebes the impression a real investigation happened. :rofl:
Then we can all go to bed feeling good that our government and justice system worked as intended and we dont have to use any critical thinking skills or ask scary questions like if we've been lied to by the very people we trust to run things with American integrity and morals.

Investigation Into FBI 'Corruption' Impeded By Durham Investigation: Senator | ZeroHedge

Durhams job is to prevent the evidence from surfacing.
You get who you vote for


Ten years ago, 59th and Lexington used to be a very safe area, loaded with European tourist who would spend all kinds of money shopping. It's just a few blocks from Trump tower. Now European tourist have decided they don't want to be viewed as being white privileged Europeans, who are attached by muggers who steal their bags, iphones, and money to buy drugs. So now the only tourism NYC is getting, are the mothers who want their babies killed Margret Sanger style. The sane NYers have escaped to Florida and will deal with hurricanes. At least you know when the hurricane is coming and can take shelter. In NYC on a beautiful calm day you can be hit in the head with a flying debris thrown by homeless guy, or pushed in front of a train for no reason. So sad to see NYC transformed back into the 1970's hell hole it once was. It's turning into the 1981 movie...Escape from NY.
Sweet, Thank You Biden, with North Korea involved, every world leader's term is going to get shortened thanks to WW3 :rofl:

India's prime minister should offer the whole world free tea while everybody hunkers down for what is to come



First N. Korean missle fired over Japanese Airspace / Country since 2017

Japan is on high alert. Things are getting tense closer we get to the midterms. Looks like that talk Heels Up had with Kim are coming true.

North Korea conducts longest-range missile test yet over Japan | Reuters

Ten years ago, 59th and Lexington used to be a very safe area, loaded with European tourist who would spend all kinds of money shopping. It's just a few blocks from Trump tower. Now European tourist have decided they don't want to be viewed as being white privileged Europeans, who are attached by muggers who steal their bags, iphones, and money to buy drugs. So now the only tourism NYC is getting, are the mothers who want their babies killed Margret Sanger style. The sane NYers have escaped to Florida and will deal with hurricanes. At least you know when the hurricane is coming and can take shelter. In NYC on a beautiful calm day you can be hit in the head with a flying debris thrown by homeless guy, or pushed in front of a train for no reason. So sad to see NYC transformed back into the 1970's hell hole it once was. It's turning into the 1981 movie...Escape from NY.
Now you get rained on by flying feces from a hobo walking on park avenue towards grand central terminal
I wanted Forbes when he ran. But I felt the vanity of the American populace would be hard pressed because of he and his wife's looks, honestly. At least that was and is my gut feeling.
‘The American People Want A Real Change’: Steve Forbes Rebukes Both Parties For ‘Sinful’ Government Spending Habits | The Daily Wire

But we the majority of Americans also don't accept the Pedophile Trans agenda, and the distain of our founding fathers and Christian heritage, by the left. There is more than just the economy at stake in our society these days. And the deep state must be dismantled.

Last edited:

October 4, 2022


"Unless we are convicted by Scripture and plain reason - our consciences are captive to the Word of God. We Chaplains will not abandon that authority, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here we chaplains stand. We cannot do otherwise. God help us. Amen"


42 military chaplains, from all services, appeared before Senior District Judge Anthony J. Trenga, to argue for a preliminary injunction against enforcement of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III's mandate that every service member be vaccinated with the current COVID-19 so-called vaccine. The right of Americans to follow their conscience is a bedrock principle of the U.S. Constitution, protected by the "no religious test" clause of section VI and the 1st and 5th Amendments.

The Service Members' case is very simple: their consciences, formed by Scripture and reason based on science, requires that they refuse the Covid 19 mandate; the Service Members requested religious accommodations which, under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, should have been granted but instead were universally denied. Three other courts have issued injunctions against the Secretary's mandate for the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, calling the religious accommodation request process "theater" or a sham because denial is mandated.

The chaplains challenge the legality of the Secretary's preordained blanket rejections of their religious accommodation requests. The chaplains claim the blanket denial and the vaccine implementation procedures demonstrate the DoD's hostility to people of faith and seem to be designed to purge and punish people in the Services who believe in following their conscience. The Secretary's actions have violated the Establishment, Free Exercise, Free Speech, and Due Process Clauses, the Constitution's "no religious test" clause, and the specific protections Congress provided chaplains in section 533(b) of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

The Chaplains pointed out that the classical vaccines the military historically required to protect its members were procedures that immunized the recipient; meaning exposure to the disease did not result in the recipient's infection nor allow its transmission. On September 1, 2021, CDC changed the definition of vaccine from "protection against the disease" to something that "stimulated the immune system". The reason for this change was to allow for inclusion of the Covid19 so-called vaccines which failed to meet the classic definition as a procedure that immunized the recipient. The chaplains argue this violates what courts call the "major policy doctrine"; rules that affect thousands to millions must be determined by Congress —not minor bureaucrats or political appointees seeking to prevent embarrassment. The Chaplains also pointed out the new definition violates DoD policy.

The Chaplains' lead attorney, Arthur Schulcz of Chaplains' Counsel, PLLC, and co-counsel Brandon Johnson of Defending the Republic, presented these arguments to the Court and responded to Judge Trenga's questions. They greatly appreciated the Court's interest and attention and await the decision. Links to the documents in the case can be found here.

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