US Elections (& Politics) :)

When republicans take over the democrats next month,

Biden Unleashes "New Era" Of SPR Releases As Weapon In Crude Markets "To Manipulate An Election"

To date, Biden has dumped more SPR on the market than all previous presidents combined. The SPR is at levels not seen since the early 1980s.

….. and there are only 22 days worth of supply.

Biden's announcement of the latest SPR drawdown follows production cuts announced by OPEC+ countries.

The SPR was established to reduce short-term market disruptions though it has become a political and geopolitical tool for the Biden administration. Remember, in August, Biden touted the "fastest decline [in gas prices] in over a decade" following months of SPR releases. Draining the SPR for non-emergencies to lower prices for short-term political gains should not be a substitute for long-term policies to boost domestic crude supplies.

The White House's approach to intervening in domestic and international markets shows just how desperate they're to manage global crude prices.
Hillary Clinton seems extremely concerned about how much power individual states are retaining. It's almost like Trump's original promise to bring power out of DC and back to the people is literally happening right now.

Hillary Panicked As SCOTUS About To Give States The Power To Overturn The Election!
by noah 15 hours ago

It appears that the U.S. Supreme Court is about to confirm the power of States to nullify and overturn an election if that election is found to be fraudulent.
Hillary Clinton just made a very panicked video warning about this happening and bloviating about how dangerous this will be.

Hillary Clinton Panicking!
Hillary Clinton Panicking! - Rumble
Hillary Panicked As SCOTUS About To Give States The Power To Overturn The Election!
Former Charlie Crist Staffers, Colleagues Endorse Ron DeSantis: ‘DeSantis Has Delivered for Florida’

Former staffers and colleagues of Democrat Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL), Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) challenger in Florida’s gubernatorial race, have openly endorsed the Republican governor over their ex-boss, concluding that the “choice could not be more clear.”

The endorsement, delivered in the form of an open letter to Florida, features “former colleagues and staff” of Crist.

“Together, we have known Charlie in virtually all phases of his career and public life,” the letter reads, identifying the undersigned as “well-qualified to endorse in the Florida Governor’s race because we have significant experience in public service to the state of Florida.”

Former Charlie Crist Staffers Endorse Ron DeSantis: 'DeSantis Has Delivered for Florida' (
Once a grifter, . . .

Texas Newspaper Calls Out Trump For Stiffing El Paso For Old Rally Expenses
Mary Papenfuss
Mon, October 24, 2022 at 8:32 AM

Former President Donald Trump, whose fundraising operations are awash in cash, continues to stiff the Texas city of El Paso on a $570,000 bill for a campaign rally almost four years ago, The Houston Chronicle reported.
The “billionaire,” whose political war chest “boasts well over $100 million,” has ignored the $569,204 his campaign owes El Paso, including a 21% very late fee, the Chronicle noted on Saturday.
Trump racked up the bill for taxpayer services used at his “Make America Great Again” rally in February 2019, at the El Paso County Coliseum. Local authorities provided police, transportation, emergency and traffic services. The bill was due in April, two months after the rally.
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MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares Trump Could Be Charged With Manslaughter

Liberals, Especially those deranged fuckwits at MSNBC, are just not fans of reality.