US Elections (& Politics) :)

My largest concern about the upcoming mid-term elections is the media.
We already know we cannot trust them and should not believe them.
Unfortunately, there has not been anything or anyone doing anything to disable them.
I fear we have to wait for them to all self-destruct of their own incompetence.
That's gonna be a long, slow, painful wait.
I thought he was going to say "FAT PEOPLE"

Ah, this is open to so many comments I don't know where to start:

Biden thinks John Fetterman is an 'impressive, incredibly bright and talented person


Blows my mind that people are still gonna be talking about him after we get another President... My mother-in-law the other day was blaming Covid on Trump. I told her she needs to get over him. Next year we're gonna hear whatever happened in Ukraine was caused by him... Whatever the economy is like next year is Trumps fault.
Sounds like you're going to wear a Make America Great Again shirt this Thanksgiving.
Well....on the contrary, the demoncraps spread covid like wildfire - their states in particular. Also, they were the ones that were pushing back Trump from closing down the borders on time. They were the ones that retaliated against Trump during the wee hours of covid thinking that he was a racist. The democrats are to be blamed and held accountable to the MAX. These bums are only good in blame. Hardly any action taken - the proof is in their failure of reimbursing student loans, addressing the mental health crisis, bringing crime down, and creating fairer wages.
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The libtards are the most intolerant and violent members of society despite them stating that about conservatives. The crap they spew is from looking in a mirror and describing what they see. So many of them are just shameful people.
The Marxocrats are already working hard on a repeat of what they did in the 2020 election -

--yawn-- same ol, same ol intolerant libtards. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
