US Elections (& Politics) :)

2 officers shot over this nonsense

When people believe or worse, know, that they can kill people, especially law enforcement officers, with no consequence, the next step in our cycle of democracy is revolution and anarchy.

We are almost there folks.
Looks like there is more to the story than we were first led to believe.

Woman charged in connection with 5-year-old North Carolina boy’s August murder

WILSON, N.C. (WNCN) – A 21-year-old woman was arrested Tuesday and charged with felony accessory after the fact in connection with the murder of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant in Wilson.

Aolani Takemi Marie Pettit, of Wilson, is in jail under a $250,000 bond.

Darius N. Sessoms, 25, of Wilson, was arrested Aug. 10 in Goldsboro. He is charged with first-degree murder. Family members said the 5-year-old boy was riding his bicycle when he was shot and killed along Archers Road on Aug. 9.

Looks like there is more to the story than we were first led to believe.

Woman charged in connection with 5-year-old North Carolina boy’s August murder

WILSON, N.C. (WNCN) – A 21-year-old woman was arrested Tuesday and charged with felony accessory after the fact in connection with the murder of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant in Wilson.

Aolani Takemi Marie Pettit, of Wilson, is in jail under a $250,000 bond.

Darius N. Sessoms, 25, of Wilson, was arrested Aug. 10 in Goldsboro. He is charged with first-degree murder. Family members said the 5-year-old boy was riding his bicycle when he was shot and killed along Archers Road on Aug. 9.

I don’t recall hearing about this tragedy from ABC, CBS or NBC. And I watch the news every day.
Economists Say Joe Biden's Tax Plans Don't Add Up

"If we put this into a historical context, Biden's tax plan would be the fifth largest tax increase since the 1940s in the United States," York said. "We're talking about a really significant amount of revenue that Biden is proposing to raise."

"The actual economic burden of the taxes Biden has proposed don't line up with their objectives. For example, the proposal to increase the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent, while that would be paid by corporations, the economic burden of that can fall on people across the spectrum.

Economists Say Joe Biden's Tax Plans Don't Add Up

"If we put this into a historical context, Biden's tax plan would be the fifth largest tax increase since the 1940s in the United States," York said. "We're talking about a really significant amount of revenue that Biden is proposing to raise."

"The actual economic burden of the taxes Biden has proposed don't line up with their objectives. For example, the proposal to increase the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent, while that would be paid by corporations, the economic burden of that can fall on people across the spectrum.

If 200 million died from COVID yesterday and 150 million more from gun violence, just who is left to tax? I think Joe is confused.
So way back when, I was accepted as a reserve deputy with our local sheriff’s department. When I went through the academy and was hired my hourly rate was $8.03.

So for just about $16,700 per year I was willing to put my life on the line to protect all people. Would I do it today? Uh, no. Why? Because if I was involved in a lawful and justified shooting, I might/probably would be fired and charged with a crime.

In this situation I would probably prevail in court but how much would it cost me? Would it bankrupt me?

How many other LEOs are reconsidering their service and how will it affect you?
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Exactly. If society turns their backs on the men and women of the blue, they have EVERY right to do so to us as well. I do not blame them. I hope that this is just a 'dumg-ass' phase we are going thru and just like Taco-Belle, it will pass shortly, painfully, but it will pass.
Bernie Sanders plans news conference on Trump's 'threats' to democracy

Now that is some funny stuff right there. The Communist/Socialist saying 'threat' to
^^^^ Like I said before Demoncrat (Liberal/Socialist/Marxist) = Hypocrite....or is that Hypocrat?
^^^^ And this was EIGHT years ago! Think he's slid a little further by now? :rofl:
Need a Laugh? Here's 5 of Joe Biden's Finest Gaffes

They say that a smile is the shortest distance between two people. But a laugh is even shorter!

When I started this blog, and pivoted it towards America, in the back of my mind, I decided not to hit at President Trump's political opponents...well, not much.

But if they set it up on a tee, well, I just gotta take a swing at it!

Frankly, I almost feel sorry for Joe Biden, whom The Washington Post named "The Lamborghini of gaffes" as he's clearly struggling on the campaign trail. I say "almost" because my empathy goes down to zero after seeing so many videos of him publicly molesting young girls on camera.

That's when the gloves came off. But I don't need to say a word. Joe does the job for me. Here for your reading enjoyment are five of Joe Biden's best gaffes. Jan. 31, 2007: Referring to Barack Obama:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

But Trump is the racist. Uh-huh. June 17, 2006: C-SPAN's Road to the White House:

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

My former boss, Atul, was born in India, the son of a wealthy banker. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering degree from Nagpur University before coming to America, earning two Masters Degrees and becoming the Senior Director of Information Technology for Amplifon USA. He was a wonderful boss and a kindly, peace-loving man but I don't think even Atul would take kindly to Joe's remarks.

August 26, 2019: New Hampshire campaign stop

“I want to be clear: I’m not going nuts.”

God love you, Joe, you just had to say it! March 2020: To a construction worker in Detroit, MI

"I'm not working for you. Don't be such a horse's ass."

So says the man who is going to raise your taxes which have paid his salary since 1973. And wasn't there something about Burisma? Where is Hunter anyways?

February 6, 2009: The quote which should be the slogan for Joe Biden's campaign:

"If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there's still a 30% chance we're going to get it wrong."

Now there's a Commander in Chief you can...let me rephrase that.

You want this man with his finger on the, no, that's not it.

Yeah, I got nothin'.

As Dana Milbank wrote, "When he opens his mouth, nobody knows what is going to come out — least of all Biden."

My point.

As Dana Milbank wrote, "When he opens his mouth, nobody knows what is going to come out — least of all Biden."
Yup, and all the Bidophiles look the other way.
Those damn right wing supremist. :p :) :D ;)

U-Haul that supplied riot gear to Louisville protesters reportedly rented by Soros-connected bail project

The U-Haul truck captured on video distributing riot gear for Louisville protesters following a grand jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case was reportedly tied to the Louisville Bail Initiative, a left-wing activist group stacked with George Soros Justice Fellows.
Almost immediately after the grand-jury announcement, protesters swarmed a U-Haul truck in a parking lot and took out riot gear, weapons, gas masks, and anti-police signs to use during clashes with police.
Multiple journalists outed Holly Zoller, a board member of a Louisville Bail Project, as the person who allegedly rented the U-Haul and supplied the riot gear to protesters.
Holly Zoller later appeared to confirm that she had rented the U-Haul truck in an undercover phone call published by The Gateway Pundit.

Just imagine if there was a reversal of some tidbit here...