US Elections (& Politics) :)

Amazing how the lamestream media never, ever, mentions this at all. There's an old saying...all's fair in love and war, and this is political war. If the Demoncrats held the Senate and Presidency they would have already replaced her, even before she's buried.

Now the Demoncrats are "crafting" legislation to put term limits on Supreme Court Justices, yet another way to stack the deck in their own favor, except it won't get through the Senate and wouldn't be signed by the President if it did. Let's hope that Repellicans hold both with the election and, maybe even, gain control of the House.
Are so-called journalists as dumb as they look to me? There's a story about mail in voting I read through. It has issues listed, and has conclusions listed. I just can't see how anybody with a brain could make the conclusions in light if the issues. First the issues as out-of-context phrases:

1. FBI is investigating the discovery of nine military ballots that were discarded in Luzerne County

2. mail-in ballots that were sent out with incorrect instructions.

3. three trays of mail that included some absentee ballots wound up in a ditch.

4. In Michigan, at least 400 ballots created for overseas voters listed the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential candidate as President Trump’s running mate instead of Vice President Mike Pence.

5. In North Carolina, about 500 voters received duplicate ballots.

6. similar errors are likely to emerge elsewhere as the election nears

7. administrative errors can happen sometimes.

8. Doubts about the credibility of the election are widespread

9. Majorities of supporters of both candidates expressed concerns about cheating by election officials too

10. there is a significant risk of mail-in ballots going uncounted

11. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were thrown out in primaries across the country in the spring

Then the conclusions:

1. there is no reason to believe voting by mail is unreliable

2. President Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of fraud

3. President Trump claimed without evidence on Twitter

4. Twitter flagged the post with a link to information about how voting by mail is safe and secure.

And the headline:

Trump casts new doubt on election integrity over probe of discarded military ballots

I ask, how is Trump casting doubt? Isn't it the discarded ballots that cast doubt?

It's like the writer is on 2 different planets on the same time!
Trump casts new doubt on election integrity over probe of discarded military ballots


Finally a company with principals that won't cave to the "woke" mob!
Holy crap, this is by far the best thing I've read in a while. Good for them, we need more companies like this.
Yes, we sure do.
Frankly, If I knew how and where their steel was used I'd go out of my way to use/purchase those products.
In 2016, Biden calls troops “stupid bastards”. Probably said in jest, but proof that he said it.

For Trump, no evidence and even his critics, including John Bolton, have said he never said anything derogatory about our military while outside Paris a couple of years ago.

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'Kamala Harris praises BLM, says ongoing protests are 'essential' for change in US'

"Nothing that we have achieved that has been about progress, in particular around civil rights, has come without a fight, and so I always am going to interpret these protests as an essential component of evolution in our country -- as an essential component or mark of a real democracy," the vice presidential nominee said during the NAACP's national convention.

She added that" protests were necessary" as "the people's voices must be heard, and it is often the people who must speak to get their government to do what it is supposed to do, but may not do naturally unless the people speak loudly -- and obviously peacefully."

Harris also praised the "brilliance" and "impact" of "Black Lives Matter," which has received media praise but also come under fire for promoting left-wing stances like opposing the nuclear family. "I actually believe that 'Black Lives Matter' has been the most significant agent for change within the criminal justice system," she said.

And Finally from the nutjobs mouth...

At the end of last month, Sen. Harris similarly said: "We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protesters. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. Make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice."

Yeah, IF Joe and the Hoe are elected, what do you think the chances are that she will be sworn in as the POTUS? Enough to make my hair stand up on my neck!
"....We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence ..."
What a moron. The "acts of violence" are the EXACT reason why no one is seeing the peaceful protesters!

"....including the shooter who was arrested for murder. ..."
And just which specific incident or shooter is she referring to? It's not like there has been ONLY ONE. As a former San Franciso DA, she throws the term "murder" around carelessly, considering there has been no trial.
Si, muy caliente
Aaeyy........Madre de Dios!
I watched the entire clip and STILL know nothing about ANY current or upcoming weather conditions ANYWHERE...gee, I wonder why? :drool:
Either way, the dudes a freak and a creep. Kamal is a ho, so we have a Creep and a Ho running for POTUS/VPOTUS.....and who said the candidates couldn't get any worse????

HOWEVER, I think we need to print up some, 'ARJUN for President' t-shirts and bumper stickers! Quickly becoming my candidate! :)