Haha, another one from Babylon Bee, but scary to think something like this could really happen.
What a Cirrus Show our Government has become!!! Can you imagine our Founding Fathers seeing this...
Sam Brinton, luggage thief, was fired.
Non-binary Biden nuclear official Sam Brinton fired after multiple luggage theft charges: reports
The Department of Energy has fired Sam Brinton, a top nuclear waste official who happens to be non-binary and has been accused in a string of luggage thefts, according to reports.nypost.com
I saw a remark (maybe Babylon Bee) that Christmas has been cancelled because Sam Brinton stole his bag.
I saw a remark (maybe Babylon Bee) that Christmas has been cancelled because Sam Brinton stole his bag.
So true...Seems all the things that we laughed at in our youth and could not believe would ever happen, HAPPENED...I can no longer tell the difference between a Babylon Bee article and the real thing. Of course i'm 84. There's that.
Sam Brinton, luggage thief, was fired.
Non-binary Biden nuclear official Sam Brinton fired after multiple luggage theft charges: reports
The Department of Energy has fired Sam Brinton, a top nuclear waste official who happens to be non-binary and has been accused in a string of luggage thefts, according to reports.nypost.com
Nothing describes this administration any better then this freak, just perfectly displays what a 'shit-show' we have going on. Swell.
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