US Elections (& Politics) :)

Great video with Tucker and Tulsi
Start at about 37:00

"You Believe Your Fu**ing Intel Briefers?" Tucker Carlson Went Ballistic Over 'Russian Agent' Accusations

"You Believe Your Fu**ing Intel Briefers?" Tucker Carlson Went Ballistic Over 'Russian Agent' Accusations | ZeroHedge

I've been listening to Tulsi's podcasts since she started and I enjoy them. Unless I am completely fooled she comes across as a good person who loves this country. Since I like Tucker too I enjoyed this podcast too.
Didn't know she made a video. maybe she would make more money on videos if she went back to bartending, something she obviously has knowledge of......

I'm surprised potato hasn't awarded it the Presidential Medal of Freedom yet.

It will be pardoned on Brandon's last day in office.
Everything this old, incompetent fool/pedophile needs to worry about and this is his top priority.

The Human Race is heading into a rabbit hole - reproduction is seized - male and female reproductive hormones are no longer potent. Looks like the beginning of a mass extinction of the human race.
It will be pardoned on Brandon's last day in office.

There's a lot that can be done if you have no morals, no conscience, and no concern for the future of the country.

If a miracle happened and marxocrats were held accountable and given Federal prison sentences, I can easily imagine mush brain pardoning them all.

They'd have a big ceremony with champagne and caviar, and old potato shit head would pardon them all sporting his signature shit eating grin.

Since we've had no accounting for the crimes that have been committed, old joke will have to just pardon a bunch of random child molesters and murderers (if any are still imprisoned in 2 years).