US Elections (& Politics) :)

Liberals created this situation and now turn on themselves to eat one another. No wonder business owners are fleeing and retail rental space is easily available in these cities. Keep it up libs!
OK, so the lib mayor disregards the public defecating and urinating and is OK with the public drug use and littering but what about the &^%$ sidewalks? The homeless have completely blocked them. A person would have to walk in the roadway which is illegal when a sidewalk is available! I was public employee for a county and a city in N. CA for 29 years and it was ALWAYS a no-no to block a sidewalk. Isn't that a general public safety violation as well? It appears even the fire marshall's balls have been cut off by the lib mayor.....

Don't forget that SFO was among the first cities to offer a needle exchange program many, many years ago....they didn't want the users contracting blood-borne illnesses. That's a noble cause but why not treat the root of the problem? If you eliminate the fuel for the fire you don't have to extinguish it with water. :idk:
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Means it was one of the libtard justices themselves who found a way to get it out.
Libbies must be so upset about this...he'd be alive if you just did your job libs! :rofl:

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Karma is a VERY HARSH teacher. Libs would do well to learn this lesson.