National Day of Prayer: Joe Biden Was Right (Just This Once!): This IS A Battle for the Soul of America
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As my husband and I watched the National Day of Prayer and Repentance, the moment came where Franklin Graham asked the congregation on the National Mall to pray. After a hushed moment, the sound of 50,000 voices raised in prayer swelled in a great din of supplication. Glancing over at Michael, I noticed that he was covered with goosebumps...and he doesn't goosebump easily.
As tears flowed down my cheeks, I had goosebumps on my goosebumps.
Thank God for a nation that prays in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Growing up in the Minnesota Republican party, I often spent my weekends with my family on the picket line outside our local abortion clinic. Round and round we walked even in the depths of the frigid Minnesota Winters. I remember the WCCO cameramen ducking low to catch me on film as I trudged through the snow in my little snowsuit with my little picket sign.
My parents sacrificed their time, energy and safety for what they believed in. Dad was spat on. We received multiple suspicious phone calls at the house. But they kept on, keeping on, for many years.
They only stopped when they realized how much time was being taken from our family life.
They were also discouraged. Year after year, the career Republican politicians they worked so hard to elect never worked for the change they promised. Roe v Wade, the heart of my parents' political passion, was never overturned, in fact, it got worse when Partial Birth Abortion was legalized under Clinton.
Trump may not be a religious or even a particularly moral man. He never claimed to be anything but the businessman that he is. But he started something. He's a total history geek and he's loudly patriotic.
He made it okay again to be loud and proud in your love for America.
He made it cool to say what we always believed: "In God We Trust."
The Left obsesses about Trump the Man. They call us a cult. But they're the only ones obsessing over Trump. The Right actually doesn't obsess about the man himself.
The Silent Majority flocks to rallie to encourage Trump. To meet new friends. To breathe in the air of patriotism. To finally not feel so alone.
This isn't about Trump per se. He's just the figurehead. This is about the Soul of America, just as Joe Biden said. So I guess Joe was right...but just that one time.
Despite my father's teaching that mankind is basically evil, I've always believe that human being are good and the MAGA Movement has proved that, again and again.
For the first time in a very long time, I'm glad to be alive at this time in history. For so long, I hated this time period. I fantasized about living during the Good Old Days of the 1940s and 1950s but, after reading Will Rogers' political humor, I realize this is the best time to be alive! A time when God, Country and Family are back in vogue.
Suddenly, I have hope for the future of the soul of America. I want to stay alive for a good long time to see where we go as "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."