And even if you DO have in kids in school the staff and teachers don't want YOU having any say in the curriculum! And are they really learning anything useful? NO!!
By the time they graduate they've spent 12 years, two-thirds of their lives, in these so called "schools" and can barely read, don't have a decent vocabulary, can't print legibly even in block letters, and think Canada is a state. They can't put together a grammatically correct report of any sense, balance a checkbook, create a resume, dress and conduct themselves properly for a job interview. IMO, the career counselors at most schools are just consuming valuable oxygen and providing no tangible benefits.
I understand there are some good, dedicated teachers and staff in places but their numbers have waned and continue to do so by the minute.
Thank God I was able to afford private HS for my daughter, class of '98 and then 4 years of a private university, class of '02...she graduated (Journalism and Communications) and has beeen constantly employed for 20 years in a great, steady job that she says she loves at a law office. We ARE blessed.