“You Can’t Cancel Me”
by Margaret Anna Alice
You can’t cancel me because I don’t belong to you.
I’m not on your side; I’m not on any side.
I’m not a member of any party, club, or group.
I’m not a joiner, I’m not a follower,
I’m not a demographic for your target market.
I may quote or reference someone you disagree with;
I may quote or reference someone I disagree with.
You can’t smear me because We know you are liars,
confabulators, compromised traitors to truth.
You are owned by psychopathic corporations, oligarchs,
and technocrats—and your own complicit cowardice.
I seek wisdom, truth, integrity, and honesty
in whatever forms they come.
I applaud heterodox thinking, an open mind,
humor, humility, courage, and understanding.
I deplore hatred, fear, rage, biases, and envy,
corruption, avarice, and homicidal policies.
I encourage reevaluating, reconsidering,
revisiting, rethinking, and recalibrating.
I discourage bitterness, resentment,
laziness, and self-inflicted ignorance.
I don’t watch, read, or listen to your
pundits, papers, and propaganda;
I don’t watch, read, or listen to their
pundits, papers, and propaganda.
We are not an Us and Them.
The only Them is They, who
have made We an Us and Them.
Keep thinking, keep questioning,
keep resisting, keep loving,
and together, We can expose,
dethrone, and cancel They.