This whole event could have been stopped from ever happening. But why would they? It’s the perfect many years long anti-MAGA narrative in the making.Recommend all read this ….
'Go, Go, Go! Help Them Up! Push Them Up': New Leaked J6 Footage 'Shows DC Metro Cop Encouraging People To Go Towards The Capitol'
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Welcome to a Democrack ran City in America:
Either he's an extreme attention-seeker OR the dude never slipped and fell while balance-walking on a slipperly fallen tree to get across a creek and jammed his balls into the next century....or broke a bicycle chain while pedaling hard uphill, causing the crossbar to jamb his balls halfway up his both of those hurt like a @#$% but I made it through and 15 years later actually fathered a child.So...a freaky dude dresses up as a chick, gets a female to grope him in public as part of her job and what does he do? Runs into the womens bathroom and cries about it. But, there wasn't enough women in the women's bathroom to hear him cry or gave a shit, so he runs to social media and attempts to cry about it there...until he realizes nobody gives a shit there either and the TSA actually saw his posts and he didn't want to be called Jussie Smollett jr., so he erased them..... next....
Love their last quote:Haha, that's catchy - Black Lives MAGA! They could be another Diamond and Silk.
I'm tellin' ya....Love me some Trump but............
Trump Texas rally falls quiet after he mocks Ron DeSantis
As Trump imitated DeSantis in a pleading voice, the throngs were unusually silent, failing to cheer as they did when he attacked other foes such as Hillary Clinton or Ted
You do know that the NY Post is owned by the anti-Trump Rupert Murdock? However, I do agree that Trump should tone down his DeSantis comments.