Is it more powerful than Brandon's basement?
The American Taliban is alive and well in Florida.
Florida school district curbs Shakespeare works in classrooms with concerns 'raunchiness' violates state law
Florida's Hillsborough County School District is cutting back on Shakespeare works in its classrooms, offering excerpts to students instead of asking them to read entire
In the last Presidential election, Hillsborough county remained moderately Democratic, 52.7% to 45.8%.
Hillsborough county voted Democratic in the four most recent Presidential elections, after 2000 and 2004 went Republican
Desantis and Chris Christie supporters on X are attacking Vivek for his support for trump.
Oh, that would pour salt in Fulton County's wound....I'd pay good money to see that.Looks like verdict first, then the trial later. This should be the cause of an immediate dismissal of all the charges.
However, on page 8 of BILL #: CS/CS/HB 1557 Parental Rights in Education we have this below. Is that not a good thing for the children AND the parents?My research shows that the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act is a state law passed by 68 Republicans and one Democrat. And it's depriving students to exposure to foundational classics of western civilization.
It's these terms like "normal operation of the school" and "disorder" that are vague and allow the schools to define them and decide on their scope and application.Here is what the liberal Democrats are up too in California.
California Bill Could Criminalize Criticism of Public Schools
California lawmakers are considering legislation that critics warn could criminalize parents’ speaking out at school-board meetings or otherwise criticizing school officials.
Passed by the California Senate in May and now under consideration in the Assembly, SB 596 would amend state law to classify causing “substantial disorder” at a school-board meeting or engaging in “harassment” of a school employee as a misdemeanor punishable by fines and imprisonment. It would also broaden the definition of “school employee” to include “any employee or official of a school district, a charter school, a county office of education, a county board of education, the state board, or the State Department of Education.”
Existing law considers it a crime when a parent or guardian “materially disrupts classwork or extracurricular activities or [causes] substantial disorder.” In other words, it’s illegal to interfere with the normal operation of a school.
Under SB 596, however, the following is added after “substantial disorder”: “including substantial disorder at any meeting of the governing board of a school district, the governing body of a charter school, a county board of education, or the state board.” In short, a parent who appeared at a school-board meeting and made an impassioned speech against, say, gender policies, could well be charged with a crime. Such a speech, after all, is likely to cause some kind of “disorder.”
“It’s clear they’re trying to chill parents from speaking out,” Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Sarah Parshall Perry told the Daily Signal.
“I find it curious that there’s no definition of ‘substantial’ or ‘disruption’ within the proposed text,” she said. “Considering that these are essential terms for the bill, it’s likely that if passed, the law would fall under a vagueness challenge.”
California Bill Could Criminalize Criticism of Public Schools - The New American
The Left knows it can't get way with all the Fraud they have committed on this next election. They are no where close enough with anyone to be able to run against Trump, we know it, they know it. What do Communist nations do to their political opponents? Jail/Death?I am completely shocked by the pursuit of injustice carried out by the left because of the Hatred for conservatives and President Trump. Because of this, I truly hope they fry Biden and his entire family. Eye for an Eye, because THIS is what our political system has now become. They no longer represent us, but only themselves, no matter the cost. It is truly despicable how low we have sunk as a nation. I was reading a piece about how Gov. Abbot told an Australian Influencer to go home because she was so tired of seeing so many US flags being flown in our country. Well, after what I have read, there will be one less to fly today.
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