US Elections (& Politics) :)

Why? Because they might find YOUR skeletons as well??? Of course they don't want order to do so, you need a set!


What was the underlying premise of the Russian Collusion hoax?

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And just like that the media lapdogs (who jumped on the fake Russian Collusion story) will jump on defending their traitor puppet

Watch: White House Asked Why Biden Made Up 9/11 Ground Zero Narrative
Watch: White House Asked Why Biden Made Up 9/11 Ground Zero Narrative | ZeroHedge

The White House press pool is beginning to ask the right questions, and we can expect that these obvious inconsistencies will continue to dog the Biden campaign into the 2024 election.

First, on Wednesday the White House's national security council spokesman John Kirby was at the podium and was appropriately grilled about why "the president lied about being at Ground Zero the day after the 9/11 attacks" among other falsehoods. "What is going on with the president? Is he just believing things that didn't happen did happen, or is he just randomly making stuff up?"

Amazingly and surprisingly, CNN has run the following "fact check" headline, demonstrating just how blatant a falsehood it was (...when the Democrat-run White House has lost CNN, it's bad):

CNN Fact check: Biden falsely claims he was at Ground Zero ‘the next day’ after 9/11
In a speech to service members and first responders on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Joe Biden falsely claimed that he was at Ground Zero the day after the Twin Towers fell in Manhattan.

Biden, returning from a whirlwind trip to Asia, said in his Monday remarks at a military base in Alaska: “I join you on this solemn day to renew our sacred vow: never forget. Never forget. We never forget. Each of us – each of those precious lives stolen too soon when evil attacked. Ground Zero in New York – I remember standing there the next day, and looking at the building. And I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell, it looked so devastating because of the way – from where you could stand.”
Facts First: Biden was not at Ground Zero the day after 9/11. He actually went to Ground Zero nine days after the attacks.

CNN continues to chronicle other recent lies as follows:

He did it three times in a single speech last month – falsely claiming to have witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh in 2022 (he actually visited the site more than six hours after the collapse), falsely claiming his grandfather had died just days prior to his own birth at the same hospital (his paternal grandfather died more than a year prior in another state), and again repeating a long-debunked false story about a supposed conversation with an Amtrak conductor who was deceased at the time the story would have had to take place.
Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Seek a Second Senate Term; ‘Time for a New Generation of Leaders’

Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president in 2012 against then-president Barack Obama, said Wednesday that he will not seek a second term in the U.S. Senate, citing his old age and a demand for younger leadership.

‘ “I’ve spent my last 25 years in public service of one kind or another,” the Utah lawmaker said in a video statement. “At the end of another term, I’d be in my mid 80s. Frankly, it’s time for a new generation of leaders. They’re the ones who need to make the decisions that shape the world they will be living in.”

Among the challenges mounting for future leaders are a federal fiscal house in shambles and authoritarian regimes in Russia and China, which Romney said both President Biden and former president Trump are ill-equipped to tackle.

“While I’m not running for reelection, I’m not retiring from the fight,” he said. “I’ll be your United States senator until January of 2025. I will keep working on these and other issues and I’ll advance our state’s numerous priorities.”

Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Seek a Second Senate Term; 'Time for a New Generation of Leaders' | National Review

My comment: The best news of the day.
Marching Orders: White House Letter Tells Media To "Ramp Up Their Scrutiny" Of GOP In Response to Impeachment Inquiry
Marching Orders: White House Letter Tells Media To "Ramp Up Their Scrutiny" Of GOP In Response to Impeachment Inquiry | ZeroHedge

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

I have previously written how the level of advocacy and bias has created a danger of a de facto state media in the United States.

It is possible to have such a system by consent rather than coercion.

Given that long concern, a letter drafted by the Biden White House Legal Counsel’s Office was striking in a call for major media to “ramp up their scrutiny” of House Republicans “for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies.”

The message is curious and concerning, particularly in the aggressive role being played by the White House Counsel’s office under Stuart Frank Delery.

First, as I have previously noted, the White House is now actively involved in pushing narratives and denying factual allegations linked to the Biden corruption scandal.
That could create Nixonian-type allegations of the abuse of office in the use of federal employees to counter impeachment efforts.
Second, the letter was drafted by Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White House Counsel’s Office. So White House lawyers are now enlisting the media in a counter media campaign against impeachment?
The letter removes any pretense of separation between the Biden personal legal team and the White House Counsel’s office. Sams has been the most aggressive White House official in actively swatting down allegations of corruption as well as the President’s documents investigation.
Third, the letter calls for the media to actively support the White House account.
The draft of the letter is a call for what I have previously criticized as “advocacy journalism” where reporters frame stories to advance their own viewpoints or values.

Sams wrote “[c]overing impeachment as a process story – Republicans say X, but the White House says Y – is a disservice to the American public who relies on the independent press to hold those in power accountable.” In other words, media should (and it has for years) decline to give equal attention to allegations against the Bidens and instead tell the public what the truth is.

It is a call for media to tailor the coverage to push the position of the White House against this effort to ramp up the investigation into corruption.

It is an approach that is already embraced by many in the media. That was evident in the meltdown of Washington Post columnist Philip Bump recently when he was confronted by countervailing evidence in the Biden scandals.

Before storming out, Bump chastised the interviewer for not just taking his work as the “putative expert” and said that he had enough “because you don’t listen to the press. I’m sitting here and I’m telling you, you’re wrong about these things, and you don’t listen, and you continue to insist upon things that are, you know, parsing of language.”

That appears the approach pushed by Sams, who specifically references Facebook and Fox as enemies of the truth:

“in the modern media environment, where every day liars and hucksters peddle disinformation and lies everywhere from Facebook to Fox, process stories that fail to unpack the illegitimacy of the claims on which House Republicans are basing all their actions only serve to generate confusion, put false premises in people’s feeds, and obscure the truth.”

The letter has an uncomfortable feeling of marching orders to the media.
They're Dims after all. They can only think ahead about 5 minutes. Anything more than that overloads their pathetic little brains
I've often wondered....what keeps those pea-sized brains from damage rattling around in those empty, thick skulls of the Dims?
I used to think there was bubble-wrap in there or spray foam...but I finally came to the conclusion that its the lack of any cushioning that has likely caused much of the brain damage. :p

Which spawns another question: much akin to the ancient "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" I've often puzzled at: "Was it the brain atrophy that brought on the extreme liberalism or did the extreme liberalism cause the brain atrophy?" :idk:
Death By A Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11
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