what do you think?
6 Billion? 9 zeros, you got to be joking...
Can't change leadership in the middle of a war! And if that doesn't work, here's the backup plan:And he (they) want a shooting war between NATO and Russia in time for election season….
Can't change leadership in the middle of a war! And if that doesn't work, here's the backup plan:
Rob Reiner: ‘Democracy’ Can Only Survive if Trump Is Convicted and No Third-Party Candidates Allowed
All of these whiners about "democracy" never say what their definition of it is.
Lying delusional Traitor
WATCH: Biden claims without evidence he was at Ground Zero on day after 9/11 attacks
President claimed during his speech commemorating the 9/11 terrorist attacks that he was at Ground Zero just one day after, despite evidence showing he was in Washington, D.C. that day.www.foxnews.com
Very interesting video on the Twin Towers and the molten steel during the collapse. Draw your own conclusions. Real science.