US Elections (& Politics) :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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This is disturbing...


Tyson CEO Donnie King in August warned low cattle inventories were leading to difficult export market conditions. The U.S. beef cow herd in January was the smallest since 1962.
We can thank all the Idiots buying farm land and not raising livestock...Many inherited farms where the younger generation is selling out, they have no backbone...


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Good article, opinion piece..

"Have You Lost Count Yet Of The Number Of Things In Our Country That Are Broken?"
"Have You Lost Count Yet Of The Number Of Things In Our Country That Are Broken?" | ZeroHedge

.............The reasons behind all that failure and loss are pretty straightforward. The business model for operating a high-tech industrial economy is broken. That includes especially the business model for affordable energy: oil, gas, nuclear, and the electric grid that runs on all that. We opted out of an economy that produced things of real value. We replaced that with a financial matrix of banking fakery. That racket made a very few people supernaturally wealthy while incrementally dissolving the middle-class. We destroyed local and regional business and scaled up what was left into super-giant predatory companies that can no longer maintain their supply chains. Fragility everywhere in everything.

Bad choices all along the way, you could say, but perhaps an inexorable process of nature. Things are born, they grow, they peak, they decline, they die. The difference this time is the scale of everything we do is so enormous that the wreckage is also epic. It’s happening in Western Civ at the moment, led by its biggest nation state, us, the USA, but it will eventually go global, spread to the BRICs and the many countries that will never actually “develop.”

I started writing about the fiasco of suburbia decades ago, and now the endgame of that living arrangement is in view. The dissolving middle class has gotten priced-out of motoring. Motoring is the basis of the suburban living arrangement. No motoring, no suburbia. It’s that simple. There was widespread belief among idealistic reformers that suburbia could just be “retrofitted” for “smarter” daily life, but that dream is over. The capital (money) is not there to fix it, and there’s no prospect that we’ll somehow come up with it as far ahead as we can see.

So far, the collapse of suburbia has happened in slow motion, but the pace is quickening now and it’ll get supercharged when the bond markets go down, as they must, considering the country’s catastrophic fiscal circumstances. That will produce exactly the zombie apocalypse telegraphed in all those movies and TV series over recent years: normality overrun by demonic hungry ghosts. Every day in suburbia will be Halloween, and not in a fun way.

All this is apprehended to some degree by the increasingly frightened public, though they have a hard time articulating it within any of the popular frameworks presented by politics, religion, or what appears lately to be extremely corrupt science. The people see what’s coming but they can’t make sense of it, and the stress makes a great many of them insane. Without a way to construct a coherent view of reality, or tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not, they behave accordingly: anything goes and nothing matters.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Speaker Mike Johnson Pumps The Brakes On Biden Impeachment
I can think of two good reasons for this. I'm rationalizing and probably full of $hit, but here they are anyway:

1) If successful we could end up with kamala as the prez.
2) It might be the best to have FJB as the candidate, and a good impeachment could knock him out for a stronger dem candidate.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Agree...USA is probably at the upper end of Second-World at this point. NYC is not the greatest city in the world. It's a big effing decrepit joke that can't hold the jock strap of half a dozen cities in commie China. Things are run down everywhere....roads, bridges, buildings, rail, transportation.