I will feel better when I see him sworn in again. THAT will ease my concerns......
The Majority of people vote for/with their party, many (Democrats that is) do not care how weak he/she is as long as that individual stands for most of the party's agenda. Criminals these days, have blinded people from the Truth, the BLM movement is a good example.Maybe where you are at, but I know many of my neighbors and co-workers that will or have voted for him. Again, Americans voted NOT to have a career politician in DC last time...now they are going to vote for a life long criminal? I just can't imagine it.
Totally true. I just hope that his recently verified illegal activity dissuades some of his supporters from showing up at the polls. Voter enthusiasm is a big part of who wins.The Majority of people vote for/with their party, many (Democrats that is) do not care how weak he/she is as long as that individual stands for most of the party's agenda. Criminals these days, have blinded people from the Truth, the BLM movement is a good example.
I won't preach but instead I will let 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 explain what is going on today and why the Truth is being oppressed...
Are they going to a pay wall? I think if I had to pay for news I'd end up going National Review or Epoch Times. I follow OAN on youtube and right now they are spamming a lot of videos.
I can't lie, I am starting to be a little concerned about Biden's popularity rise. I know it is probably just the Lame Stream Media's propaganda, but it still concerns me. Especially Florida. Am I the only one a bit concernced? I just can't believe people with half a brain would vote for Creeper and Sleeper.
Yes I am very worried about this. I am surprised at how many Biden signs I see in yards in my area, which is very conservative. I really worry that in 2016 it was a reaction to the Obama era and so many against Clinton. The Obama era crap has faded from people's memory and the MSM has lately portrayed him to be the best President we have ever had. Pisses me off.
The Majority of people vote for/with their party, many (Democrats that is) do not care how weak he/she is as long as that individual stands for most of the party's agenda. Criminals these days, have blinded people from the Truth, the BLM movement is a good example.
I won't preach but instead I will let 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 explain what is going on today and why the Truth is being oppressed...
Hold Strong, put aside worry, the polls were against him back in 2016 and there were many Clinton signs then too. Have Faith brother...Yes I am very worried about this. I am surprised at how many Biden signs I see in yards in my area, which is very conservative. I really worry that in 2016 it was a reaction to the Obama era and so many against Clinton. The Obama era crap has faded from people's memory and the MSM has lately portrayed him to be the best President we have ever had. Pisses me off.
The Epoch Times, wow talk about bringing the Truth. Excellent job guys...Are they going to a pay wall? I think if I had to pay for news I'd end up going National Review or Epoch Times. I follow OAN on youtube and right now they are spamming a lot of videos.
If the government was going to give free money and insurance. I would hide in my backyard and enjoy life. But that is not going to happen until I retire, gotta pay for the low life's.True but I think what we’re seeing mostly is a vote against Trump by the feeble minded and lazy crowd. They’ve been pummeled endlessly for 4 years by the lying MSM and Twatter verse. They don’t and don’t want to think for themselves.
Face it, 50% of the population is too lazy and too stupid to do their own research or think through complex subjects like Socialism. They want government to do it for them and send them free shit.
I think its largely as simple and basic as that.
Totally true. I just hope that his recently verified illegal activity dissuades some of his supporters from showing up at the polls. Voter enthusiasm is a big part of who wins.
Some of them voted before these revelations.
Here's a link that has a bit more information Postal Police Sue USPS, DeJoy Over Restrictions They Claim Put Postal Workers In ‘Danger’ .
The Postal service is under the law of the federal government. Not the local police.The key change from your post. Also right during the election with millions of ballots being mailed. This sure smells fishy. David Bowers has some explaining to do.
"On August 25, Postal Police workers were informed of a new directive by Deputy Chief Inspector David Bowers that said officers “no longer had any law-enforcement authority, whatsoever, except when they are physically stationed on real estate owned or leased by the Postal Service,” reversing officers’ previous ability to protect U.S. mail and postal workers off of USPS premises. "