US Elections (& Politics) :)

Biden was able to ramble on and on without an interruption from Stephanopoulos. On the other hand poor President Trump could not finish a sentence before being interrupted by Savanna.
I know, reminded me of my wife, I can't get a word in myself, hahahaha
Huge difference in tone and slant of questions between the two town hall meetings. I wonder if President Trump will get equal time from ABC as is required by law since Biden is getting two hours after his previous hour on NBC.
There is an old saying, give a man a rope long enough and he will eventually hang himself. I know this is not politically correct to say in these times :), but by Biden having more time to ramble, he is hanging himself. Many said after the first debate that if Trump would of just let Biden ramble without interruption, the world would see Biden's incompetence. It was very clear to see in this last Town Meeting...
Saw this on a YouTube comment post, hahaha

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Unfortunately, Trump only got an hour, whereas Biden got 90 minutes :(

Huge difference in tone and slant of questions between the two town hall meetings. I wonder if President Trump will get equal time from ABC as is required by law since Biden is getting two hours after his previous hour on NBC.
Ok if you got 8 minutes of your time to never get back :smoking:, watch what this poor student had to endure from Biden, hahaha, Biden never answers the student's question and even apologizes at the end for his rambling.

Start at 1:24:45 to 1:32

The question was about protection for the young black community and Biden rambled on about building one's personal wealth :confused:

Sieg Heil :rolleyes:
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The shooter worked for the local ABC news station in Denver, channel 9. He was working with a reporter on the scene. He has been arrested for 1st degree murder. By the way the security guard had no permit for his weapon and worked for Pinkerton. The man he killed was a good patriot.

The DA has now officially charged the shooter with 2nd degree murder. I guess the check from Soros did not clear or else he would have dropped all the charges.
What if he wore a mask and still caught the CCP virus? It has happened, in fact, in about 70% of people who reported wearing masks. As Christie said, "It's very random".
Just early voted today around 2:30pm, 15 minutes tops from parking to leaving, about 20 people in line, we live in a very large county, they gave us a cut off glove finger and a wipe, you wipe after your done I was told. lol (wipe is for the voting machine not me)...
I am scared of gloves, reminds me of prostate exams, wasn't quite sure at first what the one finger glove was for...hahaha...


All it takes is one time without a condom :) and Wham you are on life support...huh I mean child support :)
All kidding aside, glad they are all doing better, Chris being over weight and with asthma was a concern.
What if he wore a mask and still caught the CCP virus? It has happened, in fact, in about 70% of people who reported wearing masks. As Christie said, "It's very random".
So true, this far in the Pandemic and we still don't have the right answers of what to do.
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Do you all encourage early voting or just waiting until Election Day?
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