US Elections (& Politics) :)

If Harris/Biden win, the US will become Venezuela. The tax increases, alone, will cause a recession on top of the problems that lock downs have caused. Throw in energy costs that will skyrocket and economic collapse is a given. Yeah, I know, they won't raise taxes, directly, on those making less than $400K but the tax increases will be paid by everyone, even those already on Government assistance. Of course, those that think they'll be getting stuff for free at the expense of others, and haven't got a clue about the economy or how it actually works, just love crap like this.
If that happens, those CT taxes will be even higher than they are now.
Does that mean that all the billionaires we have here and wannabe billionaires like Trump will post their fair share?
$750 or $0 - sounds right to you that this is what Trump pays in income tax?
like the Democratic party, he has nothing he stands for just "orange man bad".
I still have faith in our democratic system and the American people in general.
Those that attack the speaker rather than the speaker's ideas are easy to ignore - and they should be.
Americans are smarter than many of the posters here seem to think. Trump will be voted out and the US and world will be better places. He will end up as a footnote in the dustbin of history, where he belongs.

What ideas? More free shit? Be specific.
Banning ARs?
Tax increases?
Letting men use women’s bathrooms?
Letting domestic terrorists like BLM and Antifa burn and loot?
Changing the Constitution to insure your side remains in power?
Opening the borders?
Getting rid of law enforcement?

Typical of you and Democrats in general. No ideas of your own. It’s all about getting rid of orange man because he stands for things like self sufficiency, American exceptionalism, less government, calling bullshit on the whole “systemic racism” lie, and capitalism. Things you despise because it might mean you actually have to do something to collect your free shit.

I’ve yet to hear a single specific initiative from you that you stand for.

The 4 tenets of liberalism seem to fit you well

1- Hypocrisy is embraced, Lying is a way of life
2- No personal Responsibility
3- No Accountability for ones actions
4- More Free shit for me
Does that mean that all the billionaires we have here and wannabe billionaires like Trump will post their fair share?
$750 or $0 - sounds right to you that this is what Trump pays in income tax?

What exactly is his fare share? Enough to give you all the free shit you want?

Nope. Wrong Again you should get your information from more reliable sources than Twatter
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Man, I must be getting really old. I can't believe this is the first time I am reading this....It is so damn accurate as well. Thank you for posting bigredfish!

The 4 tenets of liberalism:

1- Hypocrisy is embraced, Lying is a way of life
2- No personal Responsibility
3- No Accountability for ones actions
4- More Free shit for me
Once again, that $750 payment happened because of over payments and credits from the previous years in which he paid millions. Half the story as usual. And to further clarify the situation, the laws and codes that enabled those credits were enacted by Dimowit legislation. How much did Biden pay on the income, bribes, he got from Russia, China and the Ukraine which total well into the tens of millions? I'll bet it was $00.00. Or why he uses the tax codes to cut his own taxes very substantially? If he was honest, and paid his "fair share" then he could actually talk about it, but instead he hides in the basement sucking his thumb.

"Fair share" is yet another moving target term used to fleece and deceive people. One of my favorite videos is of Will Smith being told by Macron, I think it was Macron, that if he moved to France his tax rate would be over 40%. This was after Will Smith said he liked France so much he was thinking of moving there and complaining about taxes here. Needless to say, he's still being fleeced by the US Government, at a lower rate at least for now.
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"Fair" taxes are flat taxes. You make more, you still pay the same percentage, but more total taxes. Unfair taxation is forcing higher earners to pay a higher percentage. This goes against free enterprise and discourages success. You need to look at total taxes paid, not the percentage.

We are voting on a supposed "fair tax" in my state. I hope the dimwits in my state realize that raising tax rates for the wealthy will only make their own taxes go up, and force the big taxpayers out of the state, effectively lowering tax revenue.
Does that mean that all the billionaires we have here and wannabe billionaires like Trump will post their fair share?
$750 or $0 - sounds right to you that this is what Trump pays in income tax?

That is exactly why we laugh at you. President Trump pays an alternate income tax. The New York Times failed to mention that in their hit piece on President Trump. They just looked at his final filing which was an adjustment.
$750 or $0 - sounds right to you that this is what Trump pays in income tax?
NYT posted the amount of $750 from iine 56 of the alleged Trump form 1040, hoping that you and all the others who don't understand the form will conclude that this is the amount federal income tax that he paid. This is the liberal way: Do things one way while convincing the sheep of something totally different.
Does that mean that all the billionaires we have here and wannabe billionaires like Trump will post their fair share?
$750 or $0 - sounds right to you that this is what Trump pays in income tax?
They all pay their "fair share". You dont seem to have the slightest idea on how much trump pays in income tax.
The 750 dollar number is made up. Do you have a copy of the return or do you like making stuff up
Do you not understand the reason the tax code is setup to encourage growth by allowing businesses to carry a loss forward (google it). This is basic economics that fools like you dont think about.
The top 1 percent of earners paid 38.5% of all taxes collected despite earning only 21 percent of the income. THE TOP 10 percent of taxpayers pay 70% of all income tax collected. The top 50 percent pay 97% of all taxes collected. Please tell me more about how we need to pay our fair share?
You do understand that if you pay zero income tax, you cannot pay any less - unless you want to give those people freebees.
  • The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.8 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than six times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (4.0 percent).

So tell us how much you paid in taxes this year and why you didnt send in any extra to the treasury. I would LOVE to see your charitable donations over the last 10 years. LEECHES like you never donate out of your own pocket.
Go back to your home in the woods sip your wine we pay for and live on your retirement income while you demand the rest of us live with violence and 50% tax rates.
To make things right, we need to confiscate 50 percent of your retirement savings and 50 percent of your home. You probably earned it because of your white privilege you racist pig.
Those that attack the speaker rather than the speaker's ideas are easy to ignore - and they should be.
So, you are agreeing with us conservatives about those that just hate on Trump for being Trump. So you ignore those liberals that only hate Trump and ignore his policies or accomplishments? That is so cool!
NYT posted the amount of $750 from iine 56 of the alleged Trump form 1040, hoping that you and all the others who don't understand the form will conclude that this is the amount federal income tax that he paid. This is the liberal way: Do things one way while convincing the sheep of something totally different.

Unfortunately there are way to many people like ctgoldwing in this country who fall for anything negative the media says against President Trump. That is why Heaven forbid that Biden has a chance to win the Presidency.
Honestly answer these questions and I think it will become pretty clear who are next president should be:
  • Do you want more or less government involvement/regulation of the economy?
  • Do you want to pay more or less in taxes?
  • Do you want more or less military intervention in other countries?
  • Do you want more or less trade with China?
  • Do you want more or less illegal immigration?
  • Do you want more or less federal budget deficit?
  • Do you want more or less violence and anarchy in our cities?
  • Do you want more or less rioting and attacks on the police?
  • Do you want more or less taxpayer money going into welfare payments?
  • Do you want more or less government health insurance?
“Yes, I’ve Heard All Kinds of Things That I Think will Probably be Revealed” – Senator Ron Johnson Does Not Rule Out Child Pornography on Hunter Biden’s Computer (VIDEO)

On Sunday morning Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

During their discussion Maria Bartiromo asked Senator Johnson about the FBI agent who focuses on child pornography issues.

Senator Johnson’s answer should raise some eyebrows!

Maria Bartiromo: Connect the dots, if an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there is a child pornography issue here on that laptop?

What ideas? More free shit? Be specific.
Banning ARs?
Tax increases?
Letting men use women’s bathrooms?
Letting domestic terrorists like BLM and Antifa burn and loot?
Changing the Constitution to insure your side remains in power?
Opening the borders?
Getting rid of law enforcement?

....and packing the Supreme Court.
Honestly answer these questions and I think it will become pretty clear who are next president should be:
  • Do you want more or less government involvement/regulation of the economy?
  • Do you want to pay more or less in taxes?
  • Do you want more or less military intervention in other countries?
  • Do you want more or less trade with China?
  • Do you want more or less illegal immigration?
  • Do you want more or less federal budget deficit?
  • Do you want more or less violence and anarchy in our cities?
  • Do you want more or less rioting and attacks on the police?
  • Do you want more or less taxpayer money going into welfare payments?
  • Do you want more or less government health insurance?
Proud to say I'm "in the red" in ALL of those!