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The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived - What Are The Implications For Americans?
For those that think we can “win” on multiple fronts, the truth might shock you. Eric Edelman, who serves as Vice Chair of the US National Defense Strategy Commission, has given warning about the impending conflict, stating:
“There is potential for near-term war and a potential that we might lose such a conflict…We need our allies to produce more. Our defense industrial base is in very bad shape. The European defense industrial base is in even worse shape. We need our industrial base, their base, and the industrial base of our Pacific allies. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan–they all need to be stepping up because to match what Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are doing is beyond our ability to do it ourselves.”
I have written about the logistical shortcomings of the west in a WWIII scenario for some time now. At the top of the list will be manpower, just as we have seen in Ukraine. This is why we have been hearing military and political officials hint about a new draft over the past two years. They know what’s coming.
Jittery Israel Braces For 'Five Front' War As Officials Predict Iran To Attack Monday
The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived - What Are The Implications For Americans?
The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived - What Are The Implications For Americans? | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

For those that think we can “win” on multiple fronts, the truth might shock you. Eric Edelman, who serves as Vice Chair of the US National Defense Strategy Commission, has given warning about the impending conflict, stating:
“There is potential for near-term war and a potential that we might lose such a conflict…We need our allies to produce more. Our defense industrial base is in very bad shape. The European defense industrial base is in even worse shape. We need our industrial base, their base, and the industrial base of our Pacific allies. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan–they all need to be stepping up because to match what Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are doing is beyond our ability to do it ourselves.”
I have written about the logistical shortcomings of the west in a WWIII scenario for some time now. At the top of the list will be manpower, just as we have seen in Ukraine. This is why we have been hearing military and political officials hint about a new draft over the past two years. They know what’s coming.
Jittery Israel Braces For 'Five Front' War As Officials Predict Iran To Attack Monday
Jittery Israel Braces For 'Five Front' War As Officials Predict Iran To Attack Monday | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

- Remember also Russian heavy transport planes have been pouring into Iran the past 2 weeks.
- Iran does indeed have the Bomb
- US Forces on the way
- CENTCOM Chief visiting Israel tomorrow?