US Elections (& Politics) :)


What REALLY should "deeply trouble" the "experts" is that a lone writer of a widely read rag in this country still believes over 4 years later that the COVID-19 pandemic was properly and effectively handled by the so-called and self-proclaimed "public health experts" and that resulting health issues and deaths directly caused by the implemented measures were appropriate and necessary...that's what the experts should be concerned about. And just what is an "expert"? Who gave them that title? Another "expert"? And that "expert" was titled by...another "expert"? We can see it has no end. Individuals that are not vetted or questioned to determine their expertise telling the rest of the world they are qualified to make decisions for you about your personal health and welfare need to be de-throned, de-commisioned and barred from even speaking in an official capacity if it were up to me.

I don't have a whole lot of time left on this planet and I can guaran-damn-tee that NONE of it will be spent wearing a mask and/or getting stuck. :mad:
What REALLY should "deeply trouble" the "experts" is that a lone writer of a widely read rag in this country still believes over 4 years later that the COVID-19 pandemic was properly and effectively handled by the so-called and self-proclaimed "public health experts" and that resulting health issues and deaths directly caused by the implemented measures were appropriate and necessary...that's what the experts should be concerned about. And just what is an "expert"? Who gave them that title? Another "expert"? And that "expert" was titled by...another "expert"? We can see it has no end. Individuals that are not vetted or questioned to determine their expertise telling the rest of the world they are qualified to make decisions for you about your personal health and welfare need to be de-throned, de-commisioned and barred from even speaking in an official capacity if it were up to me.

I don't have a whole lot of time left on this planet and I can guaran-damn-tee that NONE of it will be spent wearing a mask and/or getting stuck. :mad:
Amen Brother. No Experimental Shots for me either...I am not a Lab Rat!!! ;)
For once Pence is doing something I can approve of ......maybe he had a "Come to Jesus" epiphany:

Or save his @ss moment...knowing Trump will be back in office.

If this was posted here and I missed it, sorry...

Polls update....

The three states that really matter are MI, PA, and WI. If Trump takes ONE of those three, Harris loses. It would take some major upsets in several other states to change the nature of those 3 states. Right now, RealClearPolitics is showing Trump slightly surpassing Harris in TWO of those states in an average of polls. All 3 are well within the statistical margin of error.


the EC map, with those 3 states marked in grey as toss-ups...
Nevada is still tight-- but Trump would still need one of the 3 states in grey. Harris MUST have all 3 of those states in Grey to win.
